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Everything posted by richard

  1. i saw "project new jersey" and i was hoping to get an RPG about the dirtiest state in the union. oh well. i'm curious to know what project new jersey is gonna be about... but not enough to sit through all the teary-eyed posts about how it's console only. so what folks? i don't know a SINGLE pc gamer who doesnt have a console as well. obviously if you prefer PC rpgs then Project New Jersey is not for you. Ask them to make a PC version. they probably will anyway if it's a good game. i PREFER the console RPGs- i'm sure someone reading this will agree for this reason- i use my computers for work, and who wants to spend five hours configuring your computer to get the fame-rate right when all i want to do is wreck people with my sword-lightsaber-whatever and have fun. i have my xbox, i plug it in, it works, i have fun. i'll buy this New Jersey game, play it, and probably have fun. wanna use a mouse & keyboard? get the splitter jack from GameStop. have your PC-Console battle somewhere else. it's been going on since the 80s and now its just sad and stupid. I'm starting this thread not to start some stupid internet war. I just want a Dev or somebody to put some facts down about the project- and perhaps let the Devs ask some questions of the community and get some answers- so people like myself don't have to read 1,000 posts about how they hate consoles and love PCs. i for one- and i hope this is the only game-theory that gets posted- is NOT set in the sci-fi or fantasy genre... there's already so many great games in these settings. examples- think how cool Fallout was when you first saw it. Jade Empire is another great example (kung-fu). why not something interesting, perhaps modern day real world? strait horror? crime drama? politics? who cares as long as it's fun. that's what's important in the end, right?
  2. that's totally not true at all. perfect example- red dead revolver, which was one of 2004's best selling titles in the US. x-box 360, folks. it makes sense.
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