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Everything posted by Magog

  1. I still haven't been able to get Atton to become a Jedi. I am coming up to the part where I have to face off against the two Twi'Leks. How can I win without leveling him? Also, what is the best (most advantageous, like in conversations and Influence) party configuration for Nar Shadaa? Thanks.
  2. Oh ok, I was thinking of say Handmaiden because she is a soldier.
  3. I just got the chance to buy some better things off of Geeda the merchant in Nar Shadaa. One of them is the Flex Heavy Armor and the Electro Fiber suit. Is it worth buying either of those or should I wait for a loot drop? Thanks as always.
  4. What praytell is whingeing? And I wasn't trying to be threatening, but I sure feel alot better now. And the internet was never about being popular anyway, but thanks for the warning.
  5. So I return from wits end and run the game again, sure enough I beat Master Vrook. But I had to stoop to being a cheating whore like him to do it, I had to mine the entire room. Not only that but I had to get him stuck on something so he couldn't touch me while I laid mines. To me, if you have to do that to beat a boss something is seriously wrong with the game, it's a huge rift in believability and it leaves me liking this game alot less. But the real problem is the bugs. Returning to the Ebon Hawk after wrecking Vrook the ship screen loads and the game locks up. And again, and again. In fact this is my fifth try loading and nothing happens. I will be trying again tomorrow and if it is the same I won't be playing this game again in a long time, or at least until a reasonable patch comes out.
  6. An update to this, I waited a few hours and got past the original lockup only to encounter another one a few seconds later. I reloaded and encountered the lockup in the original place.
  7. I am reloading to a game just as I am about to leave the hidden base on Telos planet and after I get on the Ebon Hawk the scene loads where the other Handmaidens tell Atris that the last one has left with me. When the scene is over I get a loading screen followed by a totally black screen where the game locks up. It never happened until I went back after landing on Dantooine but now it has happened five times in a row. Any ideas?
  8. I'm Dark Side and I don't have force whirlwind. It's not that losing is so bad but they're just so damned arrogant.
  9. How do I defeat the 5 handmaidens? I miss most of the time and they almost always save against my force powers.
  10. Will showing compassion to the droid merchant or defending my actions at the Nar Shadaa docks give me light points?
  11. If I am playing an evil character do I need to curry favor with Bao-Dur? It seems I won't be able to level him as a guardian at all so do I need to gain influence on him? Thanks!
  12. I am in Telos Station right now and I just dropped 9,000 credits on the Mandalorian Light Armor. Was this worth it or should I save my money? Also if anyone remembers, tell me what items in the game are must buys. Thanks!
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