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About noinocentjedi8

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Interests
    hockey skateboarding and underground rock
  1. I have only been able to thing of one change seriously since kotor1 and that is making alien races selectable in the character creation I want to be like yoda or plo koon ot maybe even darth maul and they really need to put more work in to your characters facial expressions I hate bein in a tense situation and they show my character and he is making some goof ball face but most of all I want to be able to be some alien species maybe even a sith or jedi hutt ok mybe that was a bit far but come on I cant be the only one that might want to be a kit fisto clone or even maybe a cyborg like vader if they added that stuff in character creation it would be swell
  2. the best idea I have heard yet make aliens selectable in the create a character so your lead character can be any race any sex and any alien species in the stars wars universe well with in reason
  3. I really loved both kotors I just want them to do one more thing if they make a part 3 put alien species in the create a character and give them diffrent strengths and such and it's just that simple that is all I want to be able to have a complete yoda rip off or plo koon or darth sidious just make the create a character more in depth it would be so cool to be able to be an alien species does anyone agree or know if the have considered it or will consider it in the future feed back very welcome
  4. I really loved both kotors I just want them to do one more thing if they make a part 3 put alien species in the create a character and give them diffrent strengths and such and it's just that simple that is all I want to be able to have a complete yoda rip off or plo koon or darth sidious just make the create a character more in depth it would be so cool to be able to be an alien species does anyone agree or know if the have considered it or will consider it in the future feed back very welcome
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