The cut content is irrelevant. These guys aren't designers at OE, so they don't decide what gets cut and what doesn't. They don't decide how the plot will be resolved. The project lead at OE decided that, and his word is law on whether K2 is complete or not. The personal tastes of patch whiners are of no consequence to that.
You Fanboys can shine this turd all you like but...
The the whole damn KOTOR seires is nothing but a interactive book. I haven't read so much playing a video game since Zork1. After all, It's not like the game requires much lightsaber skill, young Skywalker. Even the puzzles and character builds are simple. The only reason to play the game is feel, and story interaction.
It's no opinion that OE, LA, or who the FK ever, left big holes in the RELEASED game. I did not have to play the hidden files to know that the plot had disentegrated. Hence, here I am, bitching and moaning.
Fanboys, just for the record, I will NEVER move on!! I will start a campaign to boycot LA, no..... ANYTHING Star Wars!! I will march. I will sign petitions. I will call my friggin' Congresman! And if you dont like it, you can SPACE YOURSELF!!
Just because you call a fact an opinion doesn't make it less of a fact. Major portions of the story (only the entire point of playing the game) were left unfinished. Unfinished = Waste of $$$
Here is another fact for ya to smoke on.....
Marks will always defend the con rather than admit being rooked. <_<