Hi there. It is great to see that Obsidian has close contact with its fans. I really am excited about the prospect of Developers listening to their fans, it's not a very common trend (valve...steam...etc). Anyway whether or not my suggestions make any difference is irrelevent because you get to see them anyway!
I loved KOTOR to death but I would like to see some improvements on thee areas.
1) The animation needs to be upgraded to better reflect the behind the scenes rolls. KOTOR did an amazing job with this, however this is still room for improvement. The laser deflection animation looks buggy and unfinished, and when blocking multiple melee attacks, only one is deflected. KOTOR had amazing animation but I do believe that the more accurately it reflects the action, the more cinematic the experience.
2) Items : There were a lot of items in KOTOR, the problem was that they weren't very well balanced. Offensive ability became insane whereas defensively speaking the armor/items could not keep up. My Jedi Gaurdian wore armor and sacraficed force powers, and even then the highest AC I could manage was around 30-32. Towards the end of the game you, and your enemies, have +40 to each attack. I believe Malak had 50 AC and +40 to each attack, meaning that every time he swung he would hit. It came down to a critical duel in which we just pounded on eachothers life force. The problem with this is instead of epic Jedi Duals with counters, parries, blocks, and slashes, we see two guys just wailing on eachother until their life bar vanishes. The defensive/offensive ratio, for lack of a better term, in the early stages of the game made for some great gameplay, but later it progressed into a Diablo II type frenzy. I would like to see more powerful items, feats, or skills, that would allow for higher defensive bonuses.
3) The writing of KOTOR and voice acting is the best I have heard in any game since Sam and Max. Having HK and Canderous in the same party makes for a good time, but it seems the writers specifically made it so that the most humerous writing applied only when those two characters were in use. I would have liked it if all the characters shared the same attention from the writers. Maybe I'm just being picky. When it comes to alignments there is a difference between evil, and stupid evil. Baulder's Gate was fairly good at separating the two, but in KOTOR, especially in the early game, most evil options are fairly stupid. It is hard to explain exactly what I mean but if necessary I can write up an example at request.
Thanks for hearing me out. I'm glad that a separate team is developing KOTOR 2 because this allows for some new ideas that the first design team might have missed.