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Posts posted by DeathDrummer

  1. My main character is a level 16 Sentinal, level 2 Watchman.


    For some unknown reason, I'm unable to use some of the better implants. My constitution is 17, and +3 for light side mastery.


    For example, I can use a Fitness Package (min level required 12), but not any implant with a minimum level of 14.


    On my next opportunity to boost consistitution, I'm going to, just to see if it corrects the problem.


    Do I have a problem from a previously corrupted save? If so, how do I go about fixing it, without starting over?


    All the other NPC's seem to be fine. Just the main character is flawed. This is my second time through the game, and I didn't have any problems the first time through.


    Thanks for any help, and thanks in advance.

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