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Pirate Zugg

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Posts posted by Pirate Zugg

  1. I have planned to make a consular character...


    Can anybody give me any suggestions on starting attributes?

    and Which attributes should i spend points on later??


    I've completed the game twice as a consular, once with high Constitution + Wisdom and the other with High Charisma + Wisdom (Both Dark Side). I found cont + Wisdom fairly easier, but could need some fixing up.


    What I suggest is that you give Cont, Wisdom and Charisma all 16 points at the start and then build up on Wisdom and Constitution evenly throughout the game. This'll make your opposite alighnment (I know, I can't spell :ermm: ) force powers easier on your force points.


    However, if you choose to go all out constitution + Wisdom, towards the end of the game the penalty of using an opposite force alighnment will be barely noticable due to your large amount of Force points. So, if you want an easier starting as a Consular, go 16 Charisma, 16 Cont and 16 Wisdom, and build up on your cont + Wisdom from there. If you want to be insanely strong at the end, go Wisdom + Cont.


    Hope this helps your decision a bit.

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