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Lord Darth Dark

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Posts posted by Lord Darth Dark

  1. Look people I have an idea for solving this whole problem. I was looking at the online petition for restoring KOTOR 2 http://www.petitiononline.com/kotor2/ and there are over 8000 signatures. Using those numbers and if we start informing more people of KOTOR 2's bugs, missing content, and lack of a completion. If we can raise our numbers to over ten thousand someone might start listening to us. But we might have to go a little bit further that sign a petition. I say we boycott all LucasArt's products until they we get an explanation, apology, and the game gets restored. We should boycott because LucasArts doesn't care about the customers anymore. We are just numbers and money. And I say that we can no longer sit by and let this happen. Before you know it all games will be like this. We need to do this or KOTOR 3 ( if it happens) is worse than KOTOR 2. With tons of bugs, and no real storyline. They can't ingore us forever. If we boycott and put a dent in their profits then WE WILL BE HEARD.

  2. Hello,


    I have read lots of threads and listened to most of the dialouge. I have come up with a solution to the problem of the bad ending and missing content. I call it Knights of the Old Republic III. Simply this should happen. Since Obsidian most likely won't come out with KOTOR II: Director's Cut. Then whoever gets the rights to KOTOR 3 should put a second cd in the box. It could be called Special Features like a DVD. It should have on it the ability to load onto it a KOTOR 2 saved game and you would be able play out from the Droid Factory to the actual ending with all the missing scenes intact . Frankly I would pay $70 for that and wait 2 years. So it's a two in one. KOTOR 3 and a Special features disc in one little package. It would rap up KOTOR 2's loose ends and have the next game in the series.

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