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Posts posted by Gothmog

  1. How far along in the game are you? If you try to train the Handmaiden as a Jedi after you've found 4 of the Jedi Masters you will run into this problem. If so, the only thing you can do is to reload an earlier save and train her before having found 4 Masters, or simply avoid training her.


    Okay. Yea I had Atton as a Jedi for a long time but I didn't bother much with Handmaiden until the last minute so yea I had already destroyed the Jedi Masters so thats what it was I guess. THanks

  2. Okay, when I go to tell Handmaiden yes I will train her as a Jedi the screen switches to Kreia where she says "betrayal". After she says this a load screen comes up and I am suddenly in the Telos Academy but no one is there and you cannot leave. When you go to the Ebon Hawk it will not let you board. What is this? Can anyone help?

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