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Posts posted by Meiz

  1. I have a suggestion, during the first game it was quite difficult to tell which data pad went with which quest would it be possible to have a frame for data pads at the bottom of the journal screen and when you click on a quest it would show the relevant data pads at the bottom of the screen?

    I think it would be best that datapads would just leave a message to some section of journal. In my opinion, datapad item in inventory is useless. Good point anyway.

  2. I always used to play cliche good guy in all games. Just recently i played kotor with an evil character and i felt myself slipping to the dark side in real life as well. Now i can't even imagine returning to the old times and with high possibility, my all future characters will be somehow evil ;)

  3. NPC companions could earn alignment points towards good or evil, just like the PC itself. They're behavior would also change depending on the alignment. For example when i would suggest a evil act. If someone agrees, he gains dark side points and if someone protests, he would get light side points. Well you get the point...

  4. Old black and white zombie horror movies, sometimes they can really be scary. Or perhaps my memory just goldens them. Nowdays the "horror" is just made by sudden sound effects. Kind of lame.

  5. For example other part thinks he is fisherman and other thinks he is fish.

    What would the character do in the fish segments of the game - stare at us, open its mouth and let bubbles come out? <_<

    Well looks for water and maybe try eating worms. Then other personality could get part of the body in his control and then offcourse want's to catch the fish.

    At the same time there would be a timebomb ticking and mission is to prevent the explosion. There are countless of possibilities :huh:

  6. Game where main character has splitted personality (don't know the right term in english) which are exact opposites of each other. For example other part thinks he is fisherman and other thinks he is fish. Other loves something that other hates.


    Now i just need to think some grazy plot and puzzles... :)

  7. I like the white things around the smileys. It makes them look stupid so perhaps people will stop using them. I don't really mind the small avs?

    Yeah the white things do not fit. This must just be the cure i've been looking for "smiley overuse" - disease.


    And as for avatars, current size is just fine. I hate those big avatars with moving animation, flashing colors etc.

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