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About Fred

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    Cairns, Australia
  1. I would have uploaded it earlier but the electricity guys killed my power. ^_^
  2. I seriously doubt that Obsidian left the cut scenes there for modders to fix. It seems far more likely to me that the files were left in as a result of their lacking schedule. You don't seem to realise that just because it is possible to mod the game you shouldn't have to mod it just to get the experience you paid for. By the way, the easy moddabilty (for lack of a better word) of the game isn't intentional, it's merely a result of the engine being based on the NWN engine, Lucasarts doesn't codone modding with their games.
  3. Thanks for the praise guys, good to see you like my work. As for my inspiration? A general lack of sanity ^_^. Honestly though, it's just a mixture of so many different things I doubt I could place anything ^^; I mostly just scribbled in my exercise book instead of doing maths ^_^. Anyway I need some pracitice so I'm willing to take suggestions on what to draw next.
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