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About SKYeXile

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. *slap* thats elder scrolls 4, not morrowind 2
  2. im just wondering if you will be able to add him into your party, because he was the best charicter in kotor. so, has anything been reveiled on him yet? .....Nm this post jsut fond the other 1.
  3. Yea, increase the game playing time by having you walk further for the fed ex quests im sorry i dont get what your saying...why would you increase the size of somthing, if not to fill it?
  4. That's a developers nightmare, how do you balance it properly enough to give the player the illusion of total freedom without making the story suffer? yes i know.but i guess im just saying that because the game was so short. parhaps making the game longer will solve the problem or just make each section larger. and by freedom i mean, killing people i dont like.
  5. OMG planetside...i love that game...best game EVER.
  6. well i think... 1. make the game harder 2. better charicter customisation 3. have day and night. More clothing and additinal accesories you can have. (like morrowind)(i think this is been done) 4. larger enviroments 5. perhaps more freedom, but still keep the eliments of a liner/open ended RPG(err yea)
  7. lol cheats...to make the game easier? how about, you make it harder before easier.
  8. well bioware took that saying abit far they got a part mixed up... "ever double has a double" that black guy with the shaved hair at the sides is everywhere.
  9. it will be good, aslong as they dont feal inclined to go back to the fallout engine.
  10. no, i dont mean better moves or better combat fighting, i jsut mean better fights, like perhaps as many sugested, dueling arenas on other planets or perhaps a combat simulater. but the battles on kotor were pretty easy. althow i did have 3 jedi on my side threw most of the game. but the battles dident last very long. id like to see some wheres theirs just waves coming at you, or perhaps a hard boss. or put on a difficulty slider.
  11. i cant see much point of map making or moding on a single player game. and definatly one like kotor.
  12. no you were right, he does end up freezing you.
  13. you better be right about that....
  14. yes, i hated it when you did those battes whith juhani, bastila, malak where they automaticaly freeze people. and when against malak on the ship, i was doing pretty good against him. i got him just under half health in afew seconds.
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