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Posts posted by Venarius

  1. My vote would go to Revan, siimply because of his master plan to eventually help the republic defend against the outerlying Sith Empire.


    When Revan travelled to Malachor V, he discovered the remnants of the Old Sith Empire that threatened to destroy the Republic and the rest of the galaxy. So, in one way or another, light side or dark, he had to protect the Republic. Judging from hints regarding Revan's past life that were dropped by many characters in the game, we can see that Revan had an impressive tactical prowess that could match Thrawn's any day.


    1. He left all the planets with strong industrial powers unharmed so that once he conquered the galaxy, he would have a strong infrastructure to defend against the Sith Empire (from Disciple)


    2. He used assasination droids to discreetly take out people who would seek to destabalize the galaxy (from HK-47)


    3. He focused on converting jedi rather than exterminating them because dark jedi stand a better chance against the Sith Empire than dead jedi (from Kreia and other sources).


    4. He became the Sith Lord out of necessity so that he can build a new Sith Empire to fight the old Sith Empire. Thus he must become the galaxy's greatest villain, if he wants to become the greatest hero (from Kreia)


    Having to turn to the darkside to save the galaxy was a bold move, and had many risks. A clear one being Malak's unforseen mutiny against Revan. But I'd have to say that based on those things alone that Revan was the better tactician.

  2. Guess i'll just copy paste some of my favorite Atton moments from a similar thread.


    Atton: Yeah, me too. I'll be in my chambers. But since I don't have any, I guess I'll just go to the c0ckpit like I always do.


    Atton: Are you blind? If I were her, I'd be screaming like a stuck mynock. Well, I mean a very strong, manly mynock.


    Atton: So... how long you been a Jedi? Must be hard. No family, no husband.

    Female Exile: Not as hard as enduring your false sympathy while you're staring at my chest.


    Atton: So, how's our passenger? She still aging?

    Female Exile: Cryptic, as always.

    Atton: What a surprise. Just so you Jedi know, the whole cryptic routine isn't mysterious, it's just irritating. If you really can see the future, you should be at the pazaak table.

    Female Exile: But to see the future, one must be able to listen.

    Atton: What was that? Some kinda joke? That's what I'm talking about, Jedi Talk. You two should start your own little Jedi academy.

    Female Exile: But to teach, one must be willing to learn.

    Atton: Alright! Cut it out, I get it! I get it. Last Jedi in the galaxy, I get the comedian who runs around in her underwear. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

  3. "They will die a death that will last millennia, until all that remains is their code, their history, and, in the end, the shell of their armor upon the shell of a man, too easily slain by Jedi." - Kreia, regarding the fate of the Mandalorians.


    Widely believed to be a prediction of how Jango Fett would fall.


    And some more Atton goodness:


    Atton: So... how long you been a Jedi? Must be hard. No family, no husband.

    Female Exile: Not as hard as enduring your false sympathy while you're staring at my chest.


    Male Exile: Why don't you play pazaak with Atton?

    Atton (from the ****pit): What, Pazaak? Again?

    T3: Beep boop deet!

    Handmaiden: I don't trust him.

    Male Exile: At cards?

    Handmaiden: That too.


    Atton: So, how's our passenger? She still aging?

    Female Exile: Still cryptic, as always.

    Atton: What a surprise. Just so you Jedi know, the whole cryptic routine isn't mysterious, it's just irritating. If you really can see the future, you should be at the pazaak table.

    Female Exile: But to see the future, one must be willing to see.

    Atton: What was that? Some kinda joke? That's what I'm talking about, Jedi Talk. You two should start your own little Jedi academy.

    Female Exile: But to teach, one must be willing to learn.

    Atton: Alright! Cut it out, I get it! I get it. Last Jedi in the galaxy, I get the comedian who runs around in her underwear. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.


    Atton: Are you blind? If I were her, I'd be screaming like a stuck mynock. Well, I mean a very strong, manly mynock.

  4. Atton: Yeah, me too. I'll be in my chambers. But since I don't have any, I'll just be in the ****pit like I always do.




    Exile (in his underwear): You think you could perhaps put on some clothes?

    Handmaiden (also in underwear): It does not seem to bother you.

    Exile: Well, this is my ship. And I can walk around like this anytime I want to.


    And one that I thought was pretty romantic.


    Atton: And when they try using their force powers on you, suddenly it becomes harder than they thought. Because you'll be right here with me, playing Pazaak. Where no one will ever find you. :lol:

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