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Posts posted by Lord_of_Hunger

  1. I'd say that's more a glitch then than anything, since this is the first I've heard of it happening.



    Well...your's and everyone else's scepticizism is understandable, but if a dozen screenshots doesn't convince you, nothing will...and yeah, those screenshots DO look a little shoddy...I had to lower the graphics settings because the game has been running all screwed up ever since I installed the patch...


    But if you happen to play sometime soon or have a save around there, and have Mira in your party, give a shot, just for the hell of it.


    It really was fun...but it might just be my computer or my game disk is a little goofy.


    I've posted the instructions on how I pulled it off, in this thread a couple times...give it a shot....



    Dude, OWNxor = you.

  2. Well, just about everything has been said, but I'll add my two sents.


    Revan was a genious, and we know from the Starmap in Kashyyyk he was perfectly willing to make a sacrifice if it meant victory. So, thinking about that, I believe Malachor was, of course, a trap. It is possible Revan gathered all his fleet at Malachor to bait the Madalorians there. It wad to be a huge force to force the Madaloreans to commit the whole fleet.


    Then, as the battle progressed, he probably divided them between those loyal to him and not who weren't. He might have sent the loyal ships out of the area to fake some kind of flanking attack or to strike somewhere else while the Madalores were engaged a Malachor (think the last Battle of Mon Cal in 'The Unifying Force'). And he had the Exile to activate the MSG, effectively wiping out the Madaloreans, and all his disloyal subjects including Jedi in one stroke.


    He knew that Malachor would, one way or another, kill all the Jedi there. Death of such a large scale caused by Jedi would either turn them to the Dark Side or simply destroy them. Revan probably never intended for the Exile to survive, but I'm guessing he didn't anticipate the Exile would cut his link to the force for the sake of self-preservation.


    It's all speculation of course. Feel free to disagree,

  3. Oh, and you forgot an option: Obsidian, why couldn't she have worn the Dancer's Outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    That would make the poll interesting, instead of another character investigation...



    Wasnt there a line something like "I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a lightsaber"?


    Well, I loved Visas point-blank 'No'.


    And to keep this thread OT, I think Kreia was cool. At first she was kinda like Bastila, just really preachy, but then (specially after her movie) I was like damn, that makes sense.


    Also, just before you go to see re-united Jedi in Dantooine, you see the animation of her sitting down by the fountain, and I dunno if it's what the dev intended but she looked so fragile, so old, like there was something very heavy on her shoulders. I felt kinda sorry for her.

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