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About PinkJedi

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  1. Yes, it's normal at death. I want slow motion to occur all the time during battles. Do you know how I can make that change? I checked swkotor2.ini and swplayer.ini files, and saw nothing there as well. Any help appreciated!
  2. When my character is killed, she dies in slow motion. That tells me it's possible. I'd like combat to be in slow motion. I searched the forums and didn't see anything. Is there an easy setting to change so that combat mode is in slow motion? I'm more concerned with having battles that look neat, so pausing a lot doesn't do what I'm after here. I'd then fight battles w/out pausing and watch the cool moves as they unfold. Any help appreciated!
  3. True. A graphics engine (not gameplay engine) can be used for anything it seems to me. If they had that graphics engine, or their own graphics engine was built just as robust and powerful, this game would be that much better, let alone not have performance problems while looking much worse than a graphic's engine that does not. I just imagine this game looking as good at that one, and can't help but think how much more awesome this game would be.
  4. Now imagine KotOR2 with that graphics engine! In any event, please keep in mind everyone that I'm not comparing games in the least. Farcry is a shooter, and this is an RPG game. Was only using Farcry as a reference for graphics and performance.
  5. Don't read too far into what I said. As I said I like the game. No matter how good a game is, it's that much better with even better graphics, wouldn't you say? That's all I'm saying. Still love playing the game for obvious reasons.. was just confused why some "similar" games could have remarkably better graphics and perform better.
  6. Disclaimer: if I didn't like this game, I wouldn't post this at all. So this is not bashing, it's a curiosity on why things couldn't have been done better. I'm comparing graphics, not gameplay. I've played Farcry (different kind of game, but similar graphics idea behind it), and the graphics on that game are absolutely amazing. I can crank up the video settings to max, and it runs amazingly smooth. Enter KotOR2 (and the first one too, for that matter): If I crank up all the settings, although it looks prettty decent, it still doesn't look anywhere near as good as Farcry, and yet ends up running choppy and sluggish. So here's the irony: KotOR2 and KotOR1 on their best settings do not look better than Farcry on it's weakest settings. KotOR2 and KotOR1 on their crapiest video settings do not run as smoothly as Farcry on its maxed out video settings So why is that?! Poor programming? Not making efficient use of the GPU on the graphics card? Farcry had much more intense visuals on large areas, so you can't say it's because they use more textures. It really amazes me that KotOR2 and 1 pale by comparision visually to Farcry, but yet KotOR is sluggish. Makes no sense to me, so figured I'd ask why that happens. Keep in mind Farcry and KotOR1 came out roughly the same time, so updated drivers is not an issue. And even now my drivers are up to date. You may ask for my system specs. Does it matter? Farcry blows away KotOR visually, and yet KotOR is the one that's sluggish?! Thanks for any productive feedback. And again, if you think this is a post bashing KotOR, please re-read the first sentence of this post.
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