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Everything posted by RanZa

  1. yeahh.... Thats kool.... Thx for that, interesting concept... escpecially how T3 could have been hiding the starforge location or M5.... (continued replies would be still read and heard... so keep 'em comin'! :D :D ) Cheers :cool:
  2. Thanks for at some replies (still open for way more...) but i would also like to find out about the main question (before i set my flamer on)... Why did Bioware leave? Cheers
  3. It would be a help if someone could tell me the story about why BIOWARE left? Then OBSIDIAN took over? To be frank... Kotor 2 feels so different from Kotor 1.... :::ADVISE TO OBSIDIAN::: I AM aware nothing can be changed now so i wont bother flaming Obsidian for designing a boring storyline (*oops* ) But i will state this: Please from now on... Make a storyline with AN ABUNDANCE OF TWISTS/BETRAYELS/ROMANCE!!!! Kotor 1 did this beautifully with Bastila (you can flirt/kiss! ) AAAANNNNDDDD then FINDING OUT YOUR REVAN!!!! OMG it was an incredible sensation Kotor 1... :D ... I was expecting/HOPING that i would experience the greatest twist eva in Kotor 2 but then i was suddenly crushed as i simply crushed my boring Master Kreia. Then flew away... Then that was it... I would have loved to have seen REVAN!!!!! IN PHYSICAL form.... not this simple "He is somewhere far away!" :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I Miss Kotor 1.... I miss Revan BTW... just to leave on a positive note... (just finished venting my frustration) The gameplay for Kotor 2 is EXCELLENT!!!!!!!! :D :D 9/10 Gameplay 2/10 Story 4/10 Companions (paticulary GOTO) Thx for listening.... Cheers ! :cool:
  4. Some time after the arrival of GO-TO the droid you see him destroy The remote Bao-Dur owns! THEEEENNNN.... YOU SEE THE REMOTE FLYING BACK TO NORMAL!!! Acting as if nothing happened... (Please clarify that for me...) Now another weird-ass incedent also happened which baffled me... You see the HK droid going to talk to T3 about some "Discovery" on the ship... which is fair enough.... BUT THEN T3 ZAPSS HK!! Now thats all well and good... i love spicy stories of unpredictable betrayel :D ... but as i talked to both of them.... HK mentioned that he doesnt know anything about the "Discovery"... Then i talked to T3 and there was no dialogue for that.... Then as i finally completed the game... i conformed my belief that there was no purpose for this betrayel! I didnt like this because i absolutely LOVED T3 but when i saw him "Betray" us it was actually for no purpose!!!! Then my love dississipated... Please help...
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