I initially didnt want to post at all in these forums. But after reading about the incompleteness of the game, I cant help but feel sorry that the game has turned out this way.
The soundtrack in Mono is just a bloody huge insult to the composer and to the listener. I dont know whose bright idea it is to just downmix it to mono.
How in the blue hell can it be in Mono? For such a beautiful game like the sequel to Knights of the Old Republic II, the soundtrack should at LEAST be in Dolby Pro Logic II-downmixed stereo for cripes sake.
If mono is to be integrated into the game, then why spend so much money on a composer and orchestra? Its a big bloody waste. Really big one. My heart aches hearing the outcome.
I can probably understand if LucasArts are trying to earn additional income, if they downmix it to mono so to encourage us to buy a seperate full mastered CD or some sort. And this really hurts me if there are not even plans to release it in CD or hell, re-releasing it for download.
I think no amount of email to Tech Support will help. They wont give a damn about it. But that's it, they have drawn the line for me. I will probably never buy another LucasArts game.