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Posts posted by Kija

  1. It is very possible it was my fault, and that is not something I am attempting to deny. However, it is still an issue. People are locked out of the extra content simply because they may have accidentally deleted a single savefile of which at the time was not a prerequisite for an expansion that we did not know about. "Point of no return" does not mean "You do not get to play the new content". I ask again, do you really think it is wise to blame the consumer and lose out on extra profit and fans over a single savefile that at the time was not tied to that content?


    I love the game. I want to purchase the expansion and play it. I am not able to do that without restarting the game. That is a problem. Whether the problem was caused by my mistake is only a portion of the issue.

  2. There are people missing that particular savefile, such as myself. While it is simple to say deal with it or force people to replay many hours of gameplay, it is not really the ideal solution. The idea of any extra content is to want people to purchase and play it. You want to capture as much of your demographic as possible to maximize these profits. By alienating the fan base just so you can go "deal with it" is how companies lose consumers. Compared to more massive games, the demographic is already smaller. Is it really wise to blame the consumer and lose out on profits and future fans just because they potentially made a mistake? Entering the pit makes a single autosave file. It is a lot easier to lose it than some people let on.


    While there was a warning at the pit, I do not recall there being a warning that you would also be locked out of an entire expansion. It already feels odd to finish the game, go back, not finish the game, go somewhere, and then maybe finish the game again depending on what the next expansion is, if there is one.

  3. I really wish they make some sort of patch to make this happen. I was very excited to play the expansion but am unable to for that very reason. I ended up doing a refund on Steam until I can actually play the content. It is quite a shame and an odd choice considering the amount of time the game has been released up until the expansion was released. I feel like the demographic for this expansion would be people who have already played the game and therefore could very well end up with this issue. Was this not ever discussed during the creation of the content and if so was it deemed not important enough to warrant some sort of workaround?

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