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Posts posted by wtfishedoing

  1. I am looking forward to shorter loading times and integrated smaller areas, that do not require loading at all, like small caves, houses, inns etc.

    I don't know if its technically feasible, but I would love to see huge areas on one map, like the entirety of gilded vale for example. I guess for this to be possible, you would have to restrict player's ability to jump around the map though. I would'nt mind more bland forest/pasture style areas in between important and special locations. These could be used to give us the feel of a more realistic world and make it less likely to stumble across all kinds of quest relevant interactions, when one is only searching for one specific thing. Strew in bandids (and random events later when fast traveling is used, maybe this could be optional), more wild animals and other wild creatures and some hidden optional small stuff together with more scripted interactions that test survival and athletics and the like (I really enjoyed the added variety of these in TWM).


    I really like the feel of an interactive world. (Small spoiler ahead) For this reason, one of my favourite moments in TWM was the burning house scene. People reacting to the fire, talking about it and trying to put it out, together with the scripted interaction was just awesome. Sadly my expectation, that the wall would be repaired after some days and the house a bit later, was not fulfilled. Maybe this will happen in the second part though. Needless to say, that i would like to see much more of this stuff in the sequel. It would be even better, if some of our more important choices would lead to this kind of physical impact in the world.


    Some Companions should be a little bit more difficult to handle. They could for example threaten to leave the party, if our reputation with some factions is too good or bad or if we want to take on a quest, they do not like at all. They should react to dialog options and criticize us for them or instill doubts in us. I acknowledge that an immediate impact in the dialog would maybe be too much work, but they could engage us after the interaction and comment more extensively this way. One could differentiate, when it comes to companions dependece on us, such that some will remain with the group even if they actually hate us.

    The dilemma at the start of the game concerning calisca and heodan is actually really cool. To see that your choice can get a companion killed pretty quickly was great. A little bit of this throughout the game would be nice. I see that this kind of stuff can quickly spiral out of control and become an annoyance more than anything. It should be used in small doses no doubt, but I would like to have it as a constant threat, so that I have to pay close attention all the time. More banter and more reactions to the world would also be appreciated. Maybe some casual situational comments like in The Last of Us would work well if properly adapted to this kind of game.


    I would also welcome more music/sound effects. Combat should have a wider variety of music. Inns should sound differently to some extent (how come there is always this one guy laughing out loud in every inn? ^^). Cities should feel more alive. The music at durgans battery was really good for example. It made clear that this is a special and dangerous area. It scared me quite a bit and made me more cautious.




    bigger areas, no loading times when entering buildings etc. maybe even huge areas on one "map" with contiguous wilderness areas in between.


    more interactive world coupled with scripted interactions


    more companion interaction/comments and conflict within the group.


    more music/sound effects for better atmosphere

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