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Posts posted by mithrandir3

  1. It is more a bug, but in some cases in combat, when I select a portrait, the game display the action icons for another character. Also for some actions the corresponding icon is not presented as selected even if you made the selection. And I did not see (as in BG for example) on the character portraits which ones had already a prepared action.

  2. Hello and happy new year! Let's say first before being shred to pieces that I think that the ambiance, the quests, and the dialog system are really excellent in the Beta. I also think that the UI has made a lot of progress, and I did not encounter any game breaking bug as for previous builds.


    But even if Obsidian improved the combat system a lot, combat is still disappointing for me:

    - the engagement rules lead to very static positions, and added with the fact that lisibility is still problematic in a lot of cases, it leads to combats where it is often difficult to know exactly what's going on

    - an example is the down characters, which are very difficult to separate from the background

    - there are very few links between the character portraits and the characters themselves in game. For example, if a character is in the red, it is not easy to see which one. Selecting the portrait should have the same result as selecting the character in game (knowing that this selection is not always successful)

    - there are no scripts, which would not be a problem if the UI did to lead to archers for example going on contact in some cases where you only wanted them to attack from a distance (probably because of the selection area). I often end micromanaging everything and fighting the UI

    - sometimes you don't see what action was affected to a character, and you don't know very well if your selection was successful


    A lot of these problems are not really bugs per se, but they lead (for me) to very frustrating combats.

  3. Currently the expert mode seems to remove the stats and the not available choices from the dialogs, and also a lot of things in combat. As the dialog tree seem currently to work relatively well (in my experience, even very well at this stage of the Beta), but the combat UI need a LOT of improvement, I suggest to keep the combat UI in this option, at least for the moment.


    Or even not to link this option at all to the combat UI, as I think that a UIwil always be useful in combat.

  4. I was at the beginning of the story, I killed the Murderer / Thief in the starting village, I think I had 3 or 4 opened quests, then upon reloading the save the Quests tab was empty (I used "Load' and not "Continue"). I had the same behavior twice without saving again (loading with the same save), then the third time upon starting the game, I had again my quests when loading the Save.

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