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About Kalahiin

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  1. Same thing happened to me, and yes the question has been answered. I'm also a 7500, and have an identical problem. What it is is that the drivers for the 7500 don't support OGL 1.4, they only run up to 1.3. IF we're lucky Obsidian will add backwards compatibility for the 7500, but it's not likely.
  2. I have the same problem. And the reason I can't afford a newer card is because my board doesn't have an AGP slot. So to get anythin newer than a 7500 I'd have to shell out for a new board AND a new card, and all the trouble that that brings.
  3. I don't know if it's supported or not, but it's a 64mb card and all the game requires is a 32 mb card. I dunno I guess I just assumed that with the same engine, it'd support the same cards.
  4. Hi everyone I'm encountering a crash, immediatly after the yellow scrolling text movie. It attempts to load the level, I can see a room (****pit?) and what looks like the top of of T3-M4's head. Sound keeps playing, but I can't look around or anything or move because it instantly freezes and crashes to desktop with the typical "send don't send" windows error message. My stats are Athlon 1.30ghz 352 ram Radeon 7500 (4.11 drivers, I already tried that route) I know I'm out of date, but it ran KOTOR 1 on mid- high settings just fine. Anyhow please pleeeaaase help me I need to play this game.
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