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About hgarde

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  1. Ok that is very odd. I found the savegame files in "users/.../saved games/pillars of eternity". I could load it without problems. it should be in the stronghold with my character, eder, zahua, devil of caroc, aloth, durance. I have made a new save, here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2il19dakmatp9sd/e756b33eff6f4bd1addf755412d740ed%2021886454%20GreatHall.savegame?dl=0
  2. @AndreaColombo: The savefile is too large to upload on this forum, but you can download my savefile from the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sejb1allwuc8axq/e756b33eff6f4bd1addf755412d740ed%2021886168%20GreatHall.savegame?dl=0
  3. I had completed the Ondra priest quest before going to Durgan's battery (overheard them in the church about going to the lake). Could that be the problem. I have completed all the quests i found (i talked with everyone) including bounties. No sword
  4. I have killed EVERYTHING, including the guys at the north east part of the outside part of durgan battery, No Ydwen dropped. Can anyone confirm whether this is a 100% drop where lonelornfr specified, or am I experiencing a bug?
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