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Posts posted by Hacane

  1. Ok how much of this was in the game and how much was in the dialog tlk. I first learnt about the shadow generator 5 mins before the end of the game and i learnt about it from the holo recording of bao dur so you can understand why it made absolutely no sense to me and why i didnt know what the hell the genrator was or was for.


    I have since learnt that apparently bao dur might take part in a cut scene involving him and kreia and you may get a hint that bao dur crushed a planet in gravity.


    But the stuff about revan controlling the battle from the academy and how he uses it to seduce jedi and you ordering bao dur to turn the well on is all in dialog tlk right? not actually in the game its self ? because its all extreemly important stuff that answers some questions but i never got any hint of it in my game.

  2. i dont know about Female character but i didnt think male character was much good to be honest. I corrupted handmaiden turned her into a dark jedi and made her renounce her oath to atris but she acted as if it had never happened afterwards and the scene mentioned where atton tells her to keep her hands where she can see them was never followed on from.


    And vissa was worst. She sasy nothing at all about it until just before you go to board the ravenger and it comes out of the blue.


    The scenes may be there for the male but they were poorly implemented or at least not explained very well.

  3. Tratious if your using the KOTOR tool how did you solve the chitin bug ?


    Also the bendak blaster was in KOTOR 1 you got it from killing bendak in the dueling pit. Incase that helps.


    Also id just like to say that the origional desing for this game does look amazing so gratz to the devs for at leas having a great idea even if the end ressult was preety sub standard. Might not be their fault though, id really like an official word on it. Someone some where is to blame, most plausable explanation was the rushed by LA one.

  4. This stuff about the bao dur kreia cut scene and the baou dur talkingt about the battle above malacor being in game is very interesting. One of my many many problems with this game was that nothing what so ever about the mass shadow generator was mentioned before the bao dur hologram spoke to his remote about it. The mentioning of it here is slightly better but still that excert combine with the holo recording stillw ouldnt have been enough to fully explain bao durs role in it why he did it and how he felt about it etc etc.


    My main problem now is why the hell as a DS Sith Lord male who didnt do one thing to annoy bao dur throughout the entire game didnt i get this cut scene that would have made the extreemly muddy ending slightly clearer. For most of the game his conversation options were Baou Dur says 'Yes general' and you can only reply 'Nothing'. he was just as dark as i was too.


    P.s. Problem with the chitin key, has any one solved it yet. Im actually going to look into modding but im having the problem with Kotor tools and the chitin key that was mentioned earlier. i cant access any files without it.

  5. Well tehy are talking about a complete engine overhaul so if the new engine is state of the art and cope with large cities so that they feel large instead of small colony like like telos and nar shadda (this said i was still thaught they were acceptable and decent looking for the game) then i guesse Id go for any city world.

  6. I dont know about continuity issues relating to the EU but heres some of the most annoying things i encounntered in the game that didnt add up. Some are probably faults intended to be fixed and some due to teh game being horribly rushed. Some of these points could have been cleared up with no more than one line of text and some wouldnt prehaps matter so much if the rest of the game had been fleshed out and other ends tied up.


    Any way here are some of them:


    Tobin died when i tried to storm the queens chamber with him on onderon yet when i borded the ravenger i found him there acting as if he was allied to Darth Nihlius.


    I seduced handmaiden turned her into a jedi and she was incredibly dark but desspite saying she renounced her oath to Atris she stillw ouldnt give me the codes to the telos acadamy, her text was as if none of it had never happened and she still didnt approve of my dark actions.


    Cut scene involving goto and the remote at the end made no sense and didnt fit in to teh game at all. Also what the hell is a shadow generator and why didnt bao dur make any refference to it earlier on even though i had influence over him and he was as dark as me.


    Cut scene involving T3 disabeling HK, what was that about, it made no sense at all and didnt fit into the game.


    Cut scene involving GO-TO disabeling remote made no sense and didnt fit in at all.


    What happened to ratrin (i think that was his name) the guy in the refugee sector who claims the ebon hawk is his. I told him to get lost or id kill him (something along those lines) and thats exactly what he did, got lost. Never saw him again desspite the fact he said i hadnt seen the last of him.


    I couldnt enter the JekkJekk Tar without a space suit the first tiem round apparently although the game clearly hadnt realised id alread been in with just a gass mask on before i whent there to meat squid face, so thats broken.


    Desspite dealing with GO-TO hijacking the hutts freighter i couldnt tell any one on telos about the fule source even after speaking to the hutt again where he paid me for my effort and told me to do as he asked. I managed to engage this conversation twice and so get paid twice for the same mission, once I threatened to beat up the gaurd outside the hutts place and the second time i got in with handmaiden dancing for me. Even after having been paid twice i couldnt complete the mission by speaking to someone on telos.


    How come if i didnt have enough influence for vissas to even tell me her masters name does she suddenly say 5 seconds before i go to kill her master that shes wanted to be with me since she first saw me through the force and she wants to come kill him with me.


    Whats the link about between Nihlius and vissas its mentioned for 5 seconds just before you kill him and isnt expanded on in any way. We still have no idea why she was spared by him


    How come vissas master understood how to pilot the ravenger but had no clue that proton detenators could destroy his ship ??


    How does kreia contact darth Nihlius to say jedi are on telos, vissa said even she didnt know where her master wondered? makes no sense i thaught he and sion cast her out so why suddenly trust her for no reason. Alternatively why not just feed of her she is strong in the force?


    The game is titeled The Sith Lords so why don't we learn anything about them ? Sion is fleshed out a bit, we know he trained on korriban at the academy and was kreias padawan but what about Nihlius other than he served on malacor and hes a wound in the force we know nothing, not explained why hes in the down fall of kreia scene or why he simply doesnt feed of sion and kreia.


    etc etc etc etc, game has the basis for being very good but as it stands the plot has more holes than a sieve.

  7. As far as I can understand this droid is effected more than any other character by the rushed completion of this game.


    To my knowledge all we learn about him in game is that he's a droid and he wants order to be restored to the galaxy for the sake of his profits and that he works for the exchange, plus we were ressponsible for blowing his yatch up. He doesnt like the Baou Dur remote although we never know why.


    Other things that can be derrived - he is either GO-TO himself or is programed by the actual GO-TO who appeares to the bounty hunters in the hologram or hes constantly controlled by GO-TO sat at a desk somewhere on another planet (I hope the latter wasnt the idea behind him because it makes no sense at all). Personally i get the impression hes a droid programed by GO-TO but we never actually find that out. As far as I know this is the sum total of what we know of GO-TO.


    I know from the forumns that loads of parts cut out to do with him explain him better, to the extent that his part in the game makes sense. What I want to know is did anyone playing the game find out anything else about GO-TO from the game in its current form that I havent mentioned or was it realy that badly done. Im wondering if I missed some points because I had low influence.

  8. I got a summaray off Kreia of what would happen to all my friends and a bit of info on revan. It seemed like it was a very last minute implamented ending that was a quick but ultimately poor way to try and tie up some loose ends and it didnt even fully suceed at that.


    revan apparently whent off to fight the true sith at the edge of the galaxy and didnt take anyone he cared for although that was never really explained. Makes no sense to ditch your only allies before going to fight a war, KOTOR III betterhave a good explanation for it.

  9. THeres a lot in the EU thats pure crap. Lucas him self can edit bits of it whenever he wants, for instance boba fett wasnt a clone in one of the EU books apparently.


    The only things cannon id say would be episodes 1-6 as these are basically lucas's vission. And seeing as episodes 1 and 2 were pretty crap id just stick to the the origional trilogy and some very selective parts of epI-III when it comes to making games set in the time of the empire.

  10. Well that confirms what we all thaught - time constraints wrecked the game and spoiled the series. The developer is doing his best to put a happy "we love deadlines" face on.

    I feel sorry for him, all our complaints might help them if they get the contract for KOTORIII though. They can turn round to LS and say look at what your deadline did to your game and what it did to your fan base in KOTOR 2 and maybe get a decent ammount of time to do KOTOR3

    He must have found it hard being so possative when he knew there were so many holes in the plot and the ending substituted inw as crap.

  11. Once you defeat the slavers, I believe, you can command them to work for you. Henceforth, you get a cut from their slaving activity. (I played LS and anti-slavery both times so far, so I couldn't give you any other details). In this case, Ratrin would awaken, and the subsequent conversations with him would be dependent on how you resolved the "dispute" with the slavers.


    Ldyshayna you believ this is how it was going to be or that this is how t is. because as it stands at the moent as a dark character i dont recall getting the option to let him live so he could serve me, once combat was intiated he died.


    Also did you find this in your dialog.tlk. i couldnt find it in mine, mine opens with loads of wing dings then when finally the text makes sense its about kotor 1 and items in kotor 1 and 2.

  12. Courtesy of LdyShayna, a scene from the Red Eclipse Slavers boarding.


    Edit: Voicing does exist for this.



    {[Gameplay Programmer: Cut to a scene on board the Ebon Hawk, the empty corridors. Make it a little creepy.]}


    {[Gameplay Programmer: Depending on who was left on the ship, Handmaiden/Disciple or Visas Marr or Bao-Dur (in order of priority) is standing in the ****pit, working on something. Kreia approaches target X from behind.]}


    {[Gameplay Programmer: Target X turns, a little wary.]}


    {Guarded, doesn't trust Kreia}Kreia? Is something wrong?


    Not as of yet. {[Gameplay Programmer: :: There is sudden beeping from the console, and target X turns. ::]}


    Someone's trying to board u-{"us", knocked unconscious.}


    {[Gameplay Programmer: ::Kreia strikes the X target unconscious.::]}


    {Calm, betrayal}Yes. What happens next is not our fight, and your first reaction will not serve us here. Let us see what the exile will do.


    {[Gameplay Programmer: There is an explosion, and gas fills the ship. Kreia stands as the gas floats around her. She waits for a few seconds, turns as she sees the Nikto coming on board, and then she lies down. The gas dies down.]}


    {[Gameplay Programmer: Not long after, there is a scene showing the Nikto entering the main corridor.]}


    {[Gameplay Programmer: Stands over Kreia, who is "unconscious."]}


    Find the owner of this ship. These others... lock them in the hold. After that, we will wait.



    {[Gameplay Programmer: A scene of Ratrin walking on board the ship, looking around.]}


    If they think I'm going to give up this ship without a fight, well, they're wrong. Ah, finally, my ticket off this hole. {Beat at second sentence}Looks like it's been through hell.


    {[Gameplay Programmer: Walks forward as he says the line, and at the end, slavers surround him.]}It's good to be back on the old girl...


    {Defiant, to pirates}Hey - what are you doing on my ship?


    You are the owner of this ship?


    Damn right I am! What are you...


    {[The other one smashes him across the face with a rifle, knocks him unconscious.]}


    {[show a scene of Ratrin on the floor, unconscious, from a worm's eye view.]}


    Tell the captain we have him.


    If the Exile now commands the slavers:

    Ratrin: {A little weakly, trying to squirm out of a problem}Look... there's been a misunderstanding. The ship - it's all yours. Consider it a gift, all right? Didn't know you were messing with Red Eclipse slavers - guess those stories about the Hawk being a cursed vessel are true.


    EXILE: I accept your gift; be careful in the future.


    Ratrin: Great... I'll, uh, just... find my way out, all right? {[Gameplay Programmer: Ratrin runs off stage.]}


    OR Exile: Captain, take this slave with you, as... slight compensation.


    Slaver: He is weak and squirming, like Hutt larva. Perhaps he will grow into profit.


    Ratrin: Hey! Wait a minute! You can't do this!


    Slaver: Slaves do not speak.


    My assumption from this is that if the exile didnt control the slavers he would board the ship kill them all then decide what to do with ratrin. howerve if he did controll teh slavers then why on earth did they board the ship in the first place ?


    Ok my experience with ratrin was that I told him to sod off and he did just that and never made good on his threat that it wasn't the last I'd seen of him, can anyone else say anything different happened?


    Furthermore my experience wit the slavers was that i found them on my ship but i never had any chance to command them, if any one else had a chance to command them could tehy confirm it ? Or were these, as i susspect, 2 more hughe chunks taken from the came ?

  13. Hey im really glad you are doing this or at least trying, there are other things in the game that need fixing is well


    One of them being why did i meat general tobin on the ravenger when i watch a beast kill him on onderon when i tried to storm the queens chamber with him.

    And theres plenty more where that came from


    I don't have any modding knowledge. I was attempting to catalouge all the files that hinted to aspects of the game being left out due to rushing and make a post on where they could be found and how to open them. I cant open half the files though and can't find programs taht will open them (lack of knowledge).

    So if any of you modders read this and have a second please tag on some instructions at the end of your next post on where the missing dialouge files can be found im searching through the voice stream with miles audio player atm and its taking a long time.


    P.S. I did manage to get RAD tools to open the bik movie folders and notice dthat MalMov11a.bik, MalMov11b.bik and MalMov12.bik are all to do with the alternate ending. Incase that helps.

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