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Posts posted by Grimezy

  1. I'm really enjoying the game as well, I'm only about 3 hours into it but I find it hilarious and really relaxing compared to most games I play nowadays. It's nice being able to sit back, have a laugh, not worry that every skill upgrade you get could potentially ruin your character if you put it into the wrong ability, etc etc. It's a nice casual game that still has a nice intuitive combat experience. I still feel rewarded every time I land an ability properly.


    I've always watched South Park but not religiously and I'm not one who remembers thousands of quotes or episodes so I do feel I'm missing some of the humour as I've played on it with friends watching and they've been like "HAHAHA YOU'VE SEEN THAT EPISODE RIGHT?!?!" every 5 minutes... 


    If anything, it's motivating me to go back and watch all of the episodes in order just so that I enjoy the game even more than I already am. I think that earns the developers a good job, you've really nailed the essence of South Park and not ruined a licensed game like most companies would!

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