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Posts posted by shinmai

  1. I'm guessing PDF_Stamper is whatever put the watermarks there. (TPB_Samples...? Maybe they think we're all going to put their book on The Pirate Bay.)


    The Pillars Book? Anyway, the hilarious thing about the obnoxious watermarks is that if someone did decide to illegaly share the pdf, the watermarks do nothing to stop that and anyone sharing illegal copies of PDFs probably would remove them anyway, so it's just a nuissance for legit, paid customers like us, just like most forms of DRM.

  2. You can't drop things? I know RPGers are the ultimate packrats but that seems... a little silly.

    In a world where every vendor, regardless of what they're selling, is willing to buy any item, no matter how useless off of you (okay, some item's are worth 0cp, but most will net you something at least), it hardly seems silly.

    If I could sell every piece of lint, old candy wrappers and ATM receipts I happen to have in my pocket to the cashier at the local conveniance store while I do my grocery shopping, I'm pretty sure I'd never drop anything either :p

    • Like 4
  3. First, open up the image in Adobe Acrobat Pro.

    In the Edit-menu, select "Edit Text & Images" to go into edit mode.



    Then for each water mark, select each of the four image elements, and press the Delete key to remove them



    Repeat for all 116 pages...  :facepalm:

    Why was this added? It feels  even weirded than the ads after every chapter in the strategy guide. Not as weird as the messed up names in the strategy guide, though.


    yes..i looked at page 510 last column and found mangled names in the physical strat guide.

    That's a real shame :( Hope the people affected can take it in stride, but I can imageine some will definitely be quite dissapointed, especially if they've ordered the phsyical guide.


    But the game is fun and the guide is good otherwise, so like I said, here's hoping everyone can just laugh about it and look past something that's obviously just a human error in transferring the user submitted data.

  5. But when it comes to the processor or the video...


    Well, your GPU at least, is well below spec. The GeForce 9600 GT listed as the minimum requirement is almost four times as fast as your GeForce 310 in terms of raw computing power (sligtly lower GPU clock speed, significantly lower memory clock and 16 computation cores compared to 64 on the GF9600).

    Not saying the game won't flat out work, the 310 actually has almost the same technology support as the GF9600 (DX10, OGL3.3), but it might require heavy tweaking, especially if your CPU is near or below the recommended minimum as well. The problem is, as others have stated, there aren't really that many options to tweak currently.

    • Like 1
  6. Checking the pdf delivered with the Steam version, the Thank You -section has all  non-US English characters printed as their HTML entitiy counterparts (for example, one backer's laste name "Metsävainio", is listed as "Metsävainio"). I'm wondering if this is the case with the printed book as well?

    My own name luckily didn't contain any accented characters, but I can imagine how some backers might feel seeing their names as a pretty unappealing mangled mess.

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