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About godzodin

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  1. I did right before submitting the bug report. It came back clean.
  2. On any of the recent saves in the campaign the savegame I dropboxed, whenever I click on the circular icon to bring up the transition menu at the edge of a map, after I choose a destination the bug occurs. While I haven't exhaustively tested EVERY possible destination, the 5-6 different ones I've tried have all resulted in the black screen with the walking cursor. The only transition screen that works is the boat between burial isle/oldsong. If it helps, this bug first occurred in the same beta patch as Azrell's black screen which was posted on Jan 30, at which point I shelved trying to play until WM2 release. Subsequent beta patches fixed the missing string errors I was experiencing but not the black screen issue I was having. If I use the oldest hardsave (13 gameplay hours ago) I am able to fast travel, but not the on other hardsaves/autosaves within the last few hours. I've attached the savegame/output from the working save in case it helps with troubleshooting. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ohq5zlfhu6xjqw/bug%202.7z?dl=0
  3. DESCRIPTION Identical to the previous bug where black screen would appear when attempting to fast travel. Once black screen occurs you can still toggle pause to hear ambient sounds. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Attempt to fast travel anywhere Savegame/Output log/dxdiag https://www.dropbox.com/s/ki7wo5js1x2gqi9/pillars%20bug%20report.7z?dl=0
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