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Posts posted by Azr1el

  1. 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks?


    This was probably the beginning of the HK factory mission that was deleted.


    Actually it has to do with Goto - gain enough influence with him and question him about his activities on Nar Shadaa to find out (I can't actually remember the reason off the top of my head)

  2. In KOTOR I, had moments that were burned into your mind.

    1.  The dramatic animation where you find out your are "Revan".

    2. Bastilla returns on the Unknown planet, and she is a Dark Jedi.

    3. Bastilla's mother mission.

    4. Juannie's fall and insecurity.

    5. StarMap Animation Sequences.

    6. Etc...


    In KOTOR II, the moments that were burned into your mind.

    1.When Mira became open to the Force?

    2. ??? I played the game so many times, but nothing seems to come to mind. ???


    The variety of planets in KOTOR II was a good idea, but the storyarch and sub-plots were:


    1. Short.

    2. Non-Existant

    3. InComplete

    4. Not Dramatic

    5. Emotionless

    6. Boring


    When you play an RPG, you want the ability to manipulate the surrounding environment, and search for other things to do besides the main plotline. In KOTOR I, even now, I bet you can find more things to do in the game. In KOTOR II, there is really nothing else to do but run around as a fetch boy. How Dull..


    On Dontooine, in KOTOR I, you had that runaway droid subplot, which has a larger impact that the storyarch in KOTOR II.




    Onderon - This planet had so much potential. The writers could have openned Onderon up, and allowed some in depth exploration, subplots, and a bigger addition to the main plot.



    I think you've highlighted an interesting difference between K1 and K2, which might explain why some of us think the interaction with our party member in K2 is missing something.


    In K1, there were sidequests tied to the background story of each party member - like the sidequest involving Bastilla's mother for example. All those sidequests helped us get emotionally attached to our little CG companions.


    Aside from Mandalore's search for mandalorians to rally in K2 (some are on Dantoine and Nar Shaddaa), I don't think there's anything of the sort in K2.

  3. Sorry, I haven't the whole thread, but just to say that yes, a content patch would be fantastic!


    But about the droid factory, I think this module should be added too. It's almost complete - The Holowan Laboratories extracted them from the Xbox version and posted them on the web for the PC users - they can be found somewhere here:




    (sorry I no longer have the exact link)


    Anyway, including the HK droid factory in the game would solve this somewhat pointless conversation with HK47 about signal triangulation... It's a very good module.


    Please Obsidan, try to convince LA...

  4. Yeah true, my PC doesn't have a sound set.


    Bastilla appears in TSL if you say that Revan was male during your first conversation with Atton on Peragus. (depending on whether Revan was light side or dark side, you'll see Bastilla in various places).


    If you've found even more sound files, then maybe there were even more scenes with Bastilla. Who knows...

  5. "Save" is a rather unsuitable term, considering she never really asked the people if they wanted to be saved from anything, and the thing she is supposedly saving them from (a destiny, more or less) is not necessarily bad in the first place. It's just her opinion, and acting on that is rather selfish.

    Be that as it may, I rather suspect that even if everyone agreed with her, it wouldn't be a very good thing. What she wants to do is basically expose everything in the universe to what the exile experienced at Malachor. Considering that of all the people at Malachor, only the exile and a few others survived (and possibly Nihilus, but I wouldn't count him considerng how he turned out), I think there's a fair chance that very few beings would survive her rescue.



    I don't think she wants people to experience what the Exile experienced at Malachor, but what rather makes the same choice the Exile made at Malachor - i.e. turn away from the Force. I don't think she wants a second Malachor.

  6. I voted for the first option, though it didn't really fit in. By what you see in the game alone, Visas is not a very deep character. A more in-depth (and mostly imaginary, I suspect) analysis produces quite an interesting personality.

    And that voice... Like I said once before, if she had (and could) sing, I'd be in love.


    Bastila is still my favourite, though. I only wish she had been a bit less, you know, girly, at times.


    Yeah, she's a good character, ,but there aren't enough conversations to really explore her personality/past/etc and allow for a more in-depth analysis of her character.

  7. Kreia is just brilliant - I've played the game many times and she certainly has the best lines. Also, the more I play, the more I think she's actually a "positive" character. She's not exactly evil... She's just trying to rid the galaxy from the Force and allow people to make their own decisions and choices, whether good or bad, and that's very "Matrix" to me....

  8. It seems to an outsider to the game-creation process it would be simple enough to have, for instance, Mira briefly quiz the Exile on who she likes and go from there.

    Heck, there even is dialogue branch for Mira already where you can talk about 'understanding men' with her ... it'd make perfect spot to insert more dialogue to let one express whom they find most interesting, there... >_<"


    Maybe that was their plan but they never got the time to develop the code behind it? That would have made perfect sense though. Pity...

  9. I wish there were more women in the devlopment teams of RPG games to help with CG character creation and plots.


    If your PC is female in KoTOR2, I don't think you get the same treatment as your male counterpart. The game isn't as polished as for male PCs.


    *** I apologise in advance if what I'm about to say offends you ***


    Your romantic options are a bit limited, and second you get... Disciple. Come on people, why couldn't we have the male equivalent of the Handmaiden? No offence, but Disciple isn't an exactly good looking CG character. One of the male PC templates would have been better... As for his conversations, they aren't that bad but they're a bit lame. I think his character would be more suited in a "Knights of the Round Table" RPG. He's a too nice, in a surreal way... Is he supposed to be a woman's ideal man? (hope the upcoming patch gives you the option to shoot him :thumbsup: )


    Atton is a nice character but there just aren't enough dialogues with him.


    Bao-Dur is a cool character, but there's nothing happening with the guy.


    Just my thoughts anyway.

  10. My PC has gained major influence on Handmaiden over the course of the game - she's now a Jedi and everything but there's one conversation option I am unable to unlock - no matter what I try... It's the "Tell me about Atris." I get "[influence: failure]".


    Sorry if it's a stupid question, but I'm just curious at this stage. Has anyone unlocked this conversation? How? And what does it say anyway?

  11. you know, it's crap like this and the sub level of the Telos Military Base that are just plan intolerable. Cutting the original ending was Lucas Arts call, but I have feeling that is wasn't the case. I mean, it's just one room. If there was something special in there that they wanted to save for K3, fine. But for for christ's sake, I would've satisfied with locked plasteel cylinder that turns out to be empty.


    You know, this is kind of like that "impossible" locked plasteel cylinder in the dantooine landing port. Stuff like that is just completely unnecessary. If you can't open it then why put it there. What I like about BioWare is they weren't deceptive like that.



    I agree, especially that Telos sub-level that says it's "not just yet" accessible or there's another door to secret room in the base that needs a nearby console (that console doesn't exist)... What's the point of having these things? It's a bit frustrating as you waste your time trying to find a solution to a problem that can't be solved... Maybe these locations were simply dropped from the final version of the game, but still...

  12. I am playing as a Sith Lord at the moment and I must say the game is full of surprises and the "infulence" thing in K2 is really taking off. (Being DS is tough at times though, because it's not in my nature to be DS, but as someone wrote in a previous post, just imagine you're acting - or close your eyes while you press that button)


    Anyway, gain enough influence with the good guys among your companions and then lead them to the dark side: my Atton is a Dark Jedi Sentinel who doesn't mind killing innocents as long as you warn him in advance (he just doesn't seem to like surprises).


    My Handmaiden is a Dark Jedi Guardian and (not sure, maybe someone could tell me) she is either sadistic or just merciful in the following example: on Naar Shada, if you are accompanied by Atton and the Handmaiden, when you meet the real owner of the Ebon Hawk, Atton will want to shoot him, while the Handmaiden suggest a strike to severe some nerve and incapacitate him (let me know...)


    However, even if she is DS, her Echani code of conduct will make you lose influence over her if you strike someone who wasn't attacking in the first place... so much for turning her into a Dark Jedi...


    Bao-Dur is also a Dark Jedi Guardian, although I haven't had him in my party while on a "killing spree", so I don't have any feedback on that (not that I enjoy killing, I just want to see how the other characters in the game react).


    I know Hanhaar is already DS, but it's pretty cool to break his will, once you have enough influence on him. Breaking his will repeatedly increases his strength, while decreasing his intelligence. I haven't done it repeatedly yet, but I have read in a mag that once his strength reaches 32, his intelligence skyrockets, making him a "genius". Will have to try... ;)

  13. I'd see him as more of an embodiment of the force that you threw out of yourself during the deaths at Malachor V.  The result is that you have a vacuum where your connection to the force used to be, causing you to leech off the force of force sensitives, while your connection to the force, now embodied in Darth Nihilus, destroys people to get their force to feed on.


    Consider it like a wood burning stove.  You are the stove, and your connection to the force is the fire.  When you cut yourself off from the force, you expel the fire.  But rather than go out, the fire continues to burn outside of you.  So while you have no fire, you gain your warmth from the fires of others.  What was your fire, however, burns stronger and stronger, creating a firestorm that consumes all the fuel around it.  It destroys everything and everyone completely, and so whether you are ultimately good or evil, Nihilus is evil because he destroys, not because he is your reflection.


    Interesting. That explains the reference to the siths being "spawned" out of the Exile after Malachor V. Thanks! ;)

  14. I disagree here: I think the lines are unusually rich for a CRPG, like Visas' final passionate confession of love, or when the Handmaiden challenges Atris in all her fear and frustration after learning (erroneously) that her lover was killed ...


    ... but unfortunately, there was not enough of those lines, meaning that all these emotional outbursts were not too well prepared during previous dialogues. See, in Planescape: Torment, you got so many small clues and hints from Annah, and Annah herself only slowly came to admit to herself that she loved your PC, and you watched this romance unfold and develop in so epical a way ... but not so in TSL where everything rushed on too quickly towards a very emotional ending.



    You're right, it's more a question of "not enough of those lines".


    Sorry, my post was was badly phrased (that's the problem when english isn't your first language), thanks for putting it right. ;)

  15. I think the romances in K2 are one the game's weaknesses - the lines are poor and as someone said in a previous post, they're left very much open-ended. No great dialogue as in K1 (although the last dialogue with Carth in K1 was pretty stupid).

  16. Yeah, let Obsidian have a shot at K3. The story of K2, even with the ending cut, has more meat than K1.


    Both K1 and K2 have good and bad points. I thought the graphics of K1 on the Xbox were better than K2s (the latter doesn't seem to have the same level of detail). In K2, I love the fact that your actions and choice of words can influence NPCs.


    Anyway, let's give all the feedback we can on bugs, inconsistencies, functionality, etc just to make sure the next KoTOR is better than the previous two... Hopefully.

  17. On the subject of conversations with NPCs - I agree, It's great to be able to influence NPCs, but there aren't enough conversations throughout the game. You lack that sense of progression after a few hours into the game. because at this stage the conversations are going nowhere. After a few hours into KoTOR2, you keep asking or saying the same things. To Visas Maar: "Why did you find me?" (God, at this stage if I don't know...). To Atton: "Let's play Paazak." Again... :(


    Wishful thinking and beside technical/financial constraints - it would be great if there were new conversations with NPCs until the final scene almost.

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