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Everything posted by kventura

  1. games goes black then shows main menu...but it freezes there nvidia gforce 4 mx 128mb any driver taht could help me? o any tweak plz reply
  2. Anyone can help me with this one?? i got NVIDIA GFORCE 4MX 128MB i did detect hardware and everything seems fine. but when i load game...and it goes to the mini intro and then to the logo with the 3 sith...it goes black with mouse working fine and music going...then after a long time...it goes to main menu but it freezes there. anyone can help?
  3. It plays intro movies then goes to logo with 3 sith, and then goes black with music on and mosuse working...then after a while it goes to main menu, but it freezes there. My game always freezes in the main menu...what could taht be? i did detect hardware setting and all, and it says i met all requierments i have NVIDIA GFORCE 4 MX 128MB
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