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Posts posted by S-On-The-Chest

  1. Hi guys,


    I am having a similar problem however I don't have the option of changing any buddies. I'm also at Clyde's tower. I was wearing Valkyrie helmet, Barbarian outfit and Woodsman gloves (If i remember correctly) and had Kenny as my buddy. I had also passed all other side missions. Running the game on a PS3.


    My game stopped at the load screen as I was going up the ladder in the first room of the tower. Unfortunately it froze there, and now I can't even do anything as it's a never ending load screen. Even when I restart the game and try to continue where I left off, it just keeps loading.


    Can anybody help me? I have come this far in the game and I really don't want to start all over again. It's been a lot of fun but I couldn't sit there replaying the whole game for what essentially would probably be 15 minutes more game time.



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