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Orange Death

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Posts posted by Orange Death

  1. More important to me than how powerful items are collected, I do want to say one that I'm in the Gary Gygax, 1st ed. D&D, Dungeonmaster's Guide, camp regarding artifacts. There should be a cost associated with wielding world breaking power - an ersatz fantasy nuclear bomb. Whether that cost comes in the form of corruption, life-force being drained away, you must sacrifice a companion, etc. These things should freak me out a little bit when I find them and make me scared of their side-effects.


    So however or whereever they are acquired, the most powerful items should hopefully fill me with equal parts trepidation and excitement.

    I like this idea, reminded me of morrowind's sunder and wraithguard. If you just happened upon a powerful weapon and all willy nilly picked it up without knowing its history, might be a bad idea. 

  2. I have been going through the forum for a little while now but, I seem to have missed any topics discussing puzzles. So, my question is, will there be puzzles in this game that are challenging. Most games completely lack in this area. I do not mean challenging as in "go find this switch, now go find that switch". Something that will actually cause you to stop and think. Maybe for an extended period of time.


    This game is the first game I have been excited about in a long time. So thank you to everyone that has helped to make it possible.

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