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Posts posted by Darragh

  1. Hi!


    Soooo I was a Kickstarter backer for PoE way back when, and I'm tragically only getting around to playing it now. It's been smooth sailing so far with the (wonderful!) game, apart from one small annoyance, that I was hoping someone could help me with. I've been getting consistent audio stuttering in areas with ambient noise (rainfall, running water, nature sounds etc.), when character footstep sounds are playing. It sounds like the ambient noise is only playing when a footstep noise isn't active, if that makes sense? It's not a huge deal, but it's a little atmosphere-killing at times. It's particularly noticeable when I move the camera away from the party and their footsteps fade in as I command them to move to that screen. When those sounds are quiet, the stuttering of the ambient noise is very obvious.


    I'm not exactly sure where to start with diagnosing this problem, and Googling hasn't helped so far. I've put together the most recent save file, my output log, and DxDiag file, in hopes of helping someone with getting to the bottom of this with me. Again, not a huge deal, but it'd be nice to get it fixed!


    Dropbox link.


    Thanks in advance for reading and for any help you may be able to provide!

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