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Darth Flibble

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Posts posted by Darth Flibble

  1. Derek K'rail Posted Today, 10:18 AM

      Ahhh... of course, you are one of those people who think that keeping people in guantanamo is cruel, right?




    Keeping them in Guantanamo isn't cruel-it's the torture they endure and lack of legal process which people find immoral. Considering they're meant to be doing this to safeguard people's freedom and human rights it kinda smacks of hypocrisy for them to do it by denying these principals to their prisoners.

  2. Well, I hated Vrash, the guy was just too stubborn & close minded. The Jedi Master-with-a-stupid-name was just a **** for hiding & not wanting to be a Jedi anymore, but then deciding to be all tough & stuff when he has 2 other Masters backing him up. The other one was good, but just not strong-willed enough to go against the other two.


    & I think they were a bit rash in their whole 'we must cut u off from the force' tactic. they came to that conclusion after ahvin a 3 minute conversation with you each? come on! whatever happened to patience, waiting to see the true nature of the threat, being certain in their actions. Hypocritical *@#s!


    & wot i don't get is, one-on-one, i beat the masters, a few probs with Vrash, but nothin I couldn't handle. i then beat Kreia at the end, no harder than the 3 masters. HOW IN THE HELL THEN, DOES SHE KILL ALL 3 AT ONCE WITH ONE ATTACK!?!?!?! It's not as if she blind-sided them either, they were chattin fer a minute or so before hand! if these were Jedi Masters, no wonder the Jedi were on the verge of extinction at the start of this!!!

  3. I really like the idea of exploring Coruscant 'cos it's not been done really in the other SW games, & I'd love to see the Jedi Temple, or the Senate (Force Choke a few politicians :rolleyes: ) but I reckon they should have KOTOR3 purely beyond the Outer Rim where we get 2 kick True Sith arse.


    Maybe in the next trilogy (after all, Lucasarts knows a cash cow when they see one, there's bound 2b another trilogy after this-they do have 30,000 yrs of Jedi/Republic history 2 play with after all!!)

  4. Revan & the Exile don't neccesarily need to go back to level 1. If they've both gone off lookin 4 the real Sith, I'm gonna assume they're WAY tougher & smarter than the pansies they've had us fighting in the first two games which could balance the difficulty out more. The problem with KOTOR2 was the regular soldiers in the game were just way too easy to kill, as were the Sith Lords themselves. True Sith would most likely have powers more comperable to your own. At the end of the day it wouldn't matter that by the end of the game your a god, if the people your fighting are gods themselves.


    If they do go the new main character route, then I reckon that they should be found & trained by the Exile (like Kreia but less irritating) & then u both go find Revan & the three of u kick some True Sith arse, whether u seek to rule or destroy them.

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