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Everything posted by wumasta420

  1. I've got a Radeon 7500 and frankly i'm upset it doesn't work on my computer either since the first one played fine. The problem is the hardware of the 7500 doesn't do some opengl 1.4 functions. While they could have programmed around this fact, because they're lazy they didn't. So the only solution would be if ATI puts out a new driver that fixes the problem, which I don't think will happen. Or if Obsidian puts out a patch that fixes the problem, which I also don't think will happen bc they put it on the list of unsupported cards. Or the last possibility is if there's an opengl 1.4->directx wrapper, the only one i could find was gldirect, but I couldn't get it to work with the game. This is the ONLY game i've ever seen that supports radeons but not the 7500, which is a little ridiculous since the card is still pretty widely owned.
  2. The Big problem for all video games now is the giant corporate publishers. Unfortunately gaming companies are no longer run by people who love games, they're run by execs that have to make q1 profit projections. So things get rushed to market before they're actually ready. This is the same business model that has ruined the music industry.
  3. I have a radeon 7500, yes I know it doesn't do opengl 1.40, but I got KOTOR2 as a gift and I really want to play it since i loved the first (which played just fine on my 7500), and I don't really have the money to get a new video card. So i started looking for an opengl->directx wrapper and the only one I could find was gldirect. So I dled the timed demo of the newest version to see if hopefully it would work, but I couldn't even get KOTOR2 to load without crashing while running it, far worse than then the intro movie and pc creation screen i get with my normal ati drivers. Has anyone else tried and figured out settings to make it work? Or does anyone know of another opengl->directx wrapper I could try?
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