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About Sega-Apollyon

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    Sega !


    Manga, comics, movies, Books and music. ^^
  1. I played DAO on PS3 first. It was dire and my gf left me. I think it also goes a long way of explaining why I prefer DA2 over it, in spite of having played it later on the PC as well. While it's not the first time I've heard that inane complaint, it's certainly the absolutely worst thing to criticise as an aspect of DA2. If we're going to be saving the world ad infinitum, I'm holding YOU personally responsible for it. Is not a complaint. The story of Dragon Age II is the best thing of the game. Sorry if you have believe that. i'm not native english speaker and sometimes it's hard to understand me. The worst in DA2 is ,imo, the simplified gameplay not compare with DA:O. and the same places during 50Hours. boring
  2. Believe me, a DA, it's only on PC (I have origins on PC & 360) The tactical view is missing on console.
  3. More Computer RPG like old good times Or Alpha Protocol 2 with budget but Sega is Sega unfortunately... In near future, we enjoy Pillars of eternity already (and in french in possible )
  4. The first was great, the second despite the story, not epic at all for one time , was too simplified. I hope Bioware are learn of theirs mistakes for the sake of the ip.
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