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Posts posted by PazRye

  1. I've looked more into my problem with Kotor2 and the down to a near crawl on framerate - even though I updated to latest ATI drivers the problem was still present - then it struck me - reverting back to older drivers - like the 8.07 betas - and tried them - and guess what ?


    yup you guessed right - or did you ? dont want to get nto all that - but the old bugger fixed the problem - as far as I can tell - I'm currently roaming the streets of Telos and no slowdown whatsoever thus far - I'll wait and see on other part of the game. But if this is the case, that newest ATI driver aint good with Kotor2, it might be a good idea to brung the issue up with ATI.


    Strange thing is tho' - the guy who startet this thread has an nvidia card - to you I can suggest you take the latest OFFICIAL driver MS certified andtry it - before rambling on that it's the games fault.


    To the person I said that he was lil off about not the games fault - I admit I was wrong - untill I bump into a similar issue with Kotor2 :)


    I can only say - why didnt I think of THAT sooner ?? was right under my nose. ;)

  2. I've seen quite a few ppl complaining on the slowdown on Telos(somewhat), Dantooine(the cutscene - when looking on the big building) and surely when you turn around from looking at the Ebon Hawk to that big building, where the droid walks back and forth.


    The temporarily fix to those who have that issue is, hit ESC then graphics, advanced options and toogle - say - soft shadows(or any option there will do the trick) and hit ok, then close and close and back to the game - framerates are normal.


    I dont know what makes it like that on my rig - which I believe to be a pretty good one - but the issue is annoying, there arent much left I havent tried to fix this, so I'm waiting to see if a patch will fix it or just live with it for now.


    Keep in mind that every time you come back to areas that crawls to a low framerate - repeat the above and all is peachy.


    PS: Everything is updated on my rig. P4 3.5GHz 1GB PC3700, X800 PRO should handle it pretty well. The tatement about that the game isnt to blame is for me a lil off - tbh - too many has experienced this bug for it to be PC related. We wont find out untill a patch comes out saying it's fixed. Time will tell. :rolleyes:

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