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NWN2 News April 18th, 2007

Will Project X be a good game?  

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  1. 1. Will Project X be a good game?

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    • Maybe but I am unsure
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Neverwinter Nights 2 Community Update


Here we are with the second installment of the Community News. It's been a busy week, to say the least.


Update to the 1.05 Game Update Update

I think it's fair to say that the 1.05 patch has been my least favorite patch so far. Not because of content - the content of it is great - but because it has been a thorn in our side like no other. When we released the patch to everyone, a seemingly small issue was found that caused the toolset error out on startup. There was a small workaround for this, but that workaround may cause bigger issues in the log run. So, rather than take chances, we decided to pull the patch to find and fix the issue. This turned out to be more troublesome than originally expected. Thanks to Tanita for finding the workaround which led us to the core issue.


Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer Announced!

Well, our PR guy Shane let the big secret out: we are working on an expansion. As I am writing this, we are pretty far along in working on the expansion. You probably already know that it takes part mostly in Rashemen and that there are going to be a bunch of new textures, creatures and what-all in there. Check out Kevin Saunders' interview on Game Banshee as he lets some more secrets slip.


I would tell you more, but Feargus is standing over my shoulder and - what? Get back to typing... right.



Top Mods Translated to Spanish

Neverwinteros.com and clandlan.net are taking an initiative to translate the best mods into Spanish. They're working right now with Pool of Radiance Remastered and the next will be Tragedy in Tragidor. Both mods are great fun, so if you haven't tried them, head over to The Vault and check them out. For the Spanish translations, Neverwinteros.com will be updating their progress on their website.


HotTA PW Featured in UK Magazine

The folks of the Persistent World Heroes of the Third Age, were recently featured with some single player mods in PC Gamer UK magazine. Not sure when it's hitting news stands, but it's still pretty cool. Way to go HotTA! You can check out the HotTA PW here, along with the article.


Adam Miller's Dark Waters Released

This is one of the mods we have been watching and waiting for since the toolset beta. I expect to be diving into it soon. You can find it on the vault here.


Dark Waters is set in a world on the edge of change, recovering from a war that flooded all but the highest peaks. The Gifted that once ruled with the power of their minds are long dead, leaving the ordinary folk to struggle to survive. Where once only science held reign, now magic and faith seep into the world, changing everyone they touch.


Other top modules you may want to check out are Tragedy in Tragidor and Pool of Radiance Remastered.


New Textures

Lord Sullivan has uploaded some new and reworked textures to the vault. You can get his texture pack here. The pack contains snow, beach sand and a couple great cobblestone textures. I really encourage those of you new to modding to check out NWVault. There's a lot of great stuff out there made by the community already. Here's a few places to check there:


Prefab Areas

These are pre-made areas waiting for you to set them down in your mod. Exteriors and Interiors can be found in this section.


Prefab Blueprints

These are pre-made creatures and objects. Using these will speed up your building and make things a bit easier.


Visual Effects

Visual Effects made by community members. Would be great to see more of these, but the ones that are there now are pretty cool.


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