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UIObject_Tooltip_DisplayTooltipString takes up to 9 parameters, but only the first four parameters are required.


Parameter list:


Message = The literal string to display in the tooltip


XLoc = The X origin for where the tooltip should appear. This can be a pixel location, or you can use the following two strings to make it relative: MOUSE_X will place the X origin of the tooltip near where the mouse is. OBJECT_X will place the tooltip next to the UIObject that is being moused over, if any. At first, it will try to place the tooltip to the right side of the UIObject. But if there is not enough screen space to fit the tooltip there, it will place it on the left side of the UIObject.


YLoc = The Y origin for where the tooltip should appear. This can be a pixel location, or you can use the following two strings to make it relative: MOUSE_Y will place the Y origin of the tooltip near where the mouse is. OBJECT_Y will place the tooltip next to the UIObject that is being moused over, if any. At first, it will try to place the tooltip on top of the UIObject. But if there is not enough screen space to fit the tooltip there, it will place it on the bottom of the UIObject.


Screen Tag = The Screen Tag for the XML file to be used for the tooltip


XAlignment = This parameter can be used to quickly position a tooltip relative to the full-screen space. The valid arguments are: ALIGN_NONE(default), ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_RIGHT


YAlignment = This parameter can be used to quickly position a tooltip relative to the full-screen space. The valid arguments are: ALIGN_NONE(default), ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM


XPadding = This is used along with XAlign to quickly position the tooltip. It controls how far in the tooltip should be pushed from the left or right border of the screen space. For example, setting XAlignment to ALIGN_RIGHT and XPadding to 10 will result in the tooltip appearing on the right side of the screen, with a space of 10 pixels between the right edge of the tooltip scene and the edge of the screen.


YPadding = This is used along with YAlign to quickly position the tooltip. It controls how far in the tootip should be pushed from the top or bottom border of the screen space. For example, setting YAlignment to ALIGN_BOTTOM and YPadding to 10 will result in the tooltip appearing on the bottom of the screen with a space of 10 pixels between the bottom edge of the tooltip scene and the edge of the screen.


TextAlignment = How the text should be aligned in the tooltip. The options are: ALIGN_NONE(default), ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM


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