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Rob McGinnis


UIPane is the generic 'container' for other UI Objects. Panes can't be rendered, but they can contain 'child' objects which can be renderable objects.


Every scene has a 'rootpane', which is automatically defined by the engine when a new UIScene is loaded from a XML file.


Child objects within a pane will be positioned with their x,y origin relative to the origin of the UI Pane that contains the child. UIPanes can also simulate buttons with the tupple attribute, so many of the attributes for UIPane are similar to those found under UIButton.


The following attributes are supported by UI Pane:



Sound effect to be played when the Pane is clicked on. This only means anything if the Pane is a tupple style pane.



Similar to a button up sound effect, this only means anything if the Pane is a tupple style pane.



Sound effect for dragging a tupple style UI Pane object.



Sound effect when releasing a dragged tupple style UI Pane object.



Setting this attribute to true makes the entire UI Pane behave like a button rather than just a container. This makes it possible to design more complicated buttons than normal, default UIButton tag allows for such as having a defined layout or multiple icons within the same button, etc. Once a Pane becomes a tupple, it can be clicked on, gain focus, lose focus, become enabled, become disabled, etc., just like a normal button. Note that it is still possible to place buttons within a tupple style pane that should work fine. So you could have a listbox row that is a tupple style pane that also has a toggle button on every row, for example.



The callback to be executed when a tupple style UI Pane is left clicked on.



The callback to be executed when a tupple style UI Pane is double left clicked on.



The callback to be executed when a tupple style UI Pane is right clicked on.



The callback to be executed when a tupple style UI pane is double right clicked on.


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