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Hi, I need some help with the behavior editor. Possibly others can tell me how to do this, I've experimented a bit and so far nothing I've set up seems to work.


What I want to do is set up a condition where a character will cast a buff on another ally, when that ally is in melee range of more than 1 enemy. As far as I can tell, none of the conditionals has the prefix of 'Ally' so nothing so far is working. Is it actually possible to set up this condition or not? If it's not possible I may just put it in the 'Always True' section instead.

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As far as I can tell this is handled not with the prefixes, but with the "target" field, where you can specify ally, self, enemy, or ally/self. It's a bit confusing at first -- everything in the prefixes that isn't "self" is "target," and then you specify target.


I was getting confused myself about whether "surrounded by > 0 allies" or "surrounded by > 1 enemies" in the prefixes was supposed to be a relative property -- i.e., whether, if you're targeting an enemy, you're referring to *their* allies or to yours -- but I'm pretty sure enemies always means enemies and allies always means allies, and it's just a matter of who you're targeting.

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