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French translation (and other languages)

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Italian translation is obscene too. For example the translators could not distinguish between "attacks" as a third person singular of the verb "to attack" and "attacks" as the plural of the noun "attack". They translated every occurrence of the word "attacks" as if it were always the third person singular of the verb "to attack".  It's unbelievable. If I have to understand what are the effects of an ability or a spell, I have to change the language into English. 

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Italian translation is obscene too. For example the translators could not distinguish between "attacks" as a third person singular of the verb "to attack" and "attacks" as the plural of the noun "attack". They translated every occurrence of the word "attacks" as if it were always the third person singular of the verb "to attack". It's unbelievable. If I have to understand what are the effects of an ability or a spell, I have to change the language into English.

Not to mention "SPENTO" (which, for non italian speaker is off, as in turn off the light) used to translate offhand. That's quite terribile.


Or the sword modal tooltip that is plain completely wrong, since it gives different bonuses than the ones in the description... Had to search on reddit for the correct list of modals...

Edited by malchiorita
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I encourage anyone with problems with their respective language translations to also report problems in "Technical Issues" for the developers.  Right now there are threads for the Italian, German and French translations.


Italian - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97547-italian-translation-problems/


German - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97581-german-translation-problems/


French - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97598-french-localization-traduction-fran%C3%A7aise/


Portuguese - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99087-portuguese-translation-thread/

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Italian translation is obscene too. For example the translators could not distinguish between "attacks" as a third person singular of the verb "to attack" and "attacks" as the plural of the noun "attack". They translated every occurrence of the word "attacks" as if it were always the third person singular of the verb "to attack". It's unbelievable. If I have to understand what are the effects of an ability or a spell, I have to change the language into English.


Same here: story in french, levelling and stuffing in english. Boring and not immersive. I am not good enough to play the full game in english and french translation is wrong for lots of abilities. Sometime the translation is the opposite of the meaning.


The more I play the more I think that the translation is good, the problem is associatives words and interface

Edited by Biberon
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I encourage anyone with problems with their respective language translations to also report problems in "Technical Issues" for the developers. Right now there are threads for the Italian, German and French translations.


Italian - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97547-italian-translation-problems/


German - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97581-german-translation-problems/


French - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97598-french-localization-traduction-fran%C3%A7aise/


Portuguese - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99087-portuguese-translation-thread/

Well, it's so poorly made that just by looking at the character screen there are dozen of errors. The conversation are kinda doable, but looks like the game mechanics need to be translated from the scratch, not to talk about the confusing tooltips

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