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Wizard subclass concept : animancers

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Animancy is a skill or selection of skills.  Doesn't seem to be an 'adventuring profession' which would be a class.

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I always saw it as a sub-set of magic with a blend of primitive science in the lore (allowing for the use of machines etc).

Much like transmutation or necromancy in DnD magic system.

Would prefer it as background/profession check in dialogue - perhaps mentioned if you chose scientist or scholar.


NPC: "What brings you to Deadfire?"

Player: "I am exploring cross-over areas of knowledge between alchemy and animancy and my my studies have brought me here."


Edited by Androoh
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It is about translating tag "Animancer" to game elements, even better layer which already exist.

If Animancy is profession like Craftsman or Scholar it will be just +2 to some skill, and a couple of dialogue option.

Are you sure it is all you want?

If from being animancer you expect abilities like: rise golems, infuse vital energy, vampiric touch, summon necro kitty, inbue weapons with something, then the game element for that is Class.


Field: "Putting Essence into objects and machines" is attractive, different (from Cipher and Wizzard), playable.

However that is another class to make.

Sample mechanic: Animancers use harvested souls as resource, from fallen enemies or other sources. Essence is stored in jars. Essence could be used in ad hoc effects as spell or forget into souldevice gem which could be strap into Animancer equipment (1 gem per slot) for extra effect or ability. Some gems require specific slot. good enough. That would be more alchemist/artificer than necromancer. Such is life.


Simplified: Animancers could turn any no named item into gadget-gear, which adds device slots on it and give it steampunk look, armour has like 4 slots but rings only 1. Rest same.

Edited by evilcat
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If Animancy is profession like Craftsman or Scholar it will be just +2 to some skill, and a couple of dialogue option.

Are you sure it is all you want?

If from being animancer you expect abilities like: rise golems, infuse vital energy, vampiric touch, summon necro kitty, inbue weapons with something, then the game element for that is Class.


The claim that having in-game effects and mechanics tied to animancy requires an animancer class is a non-starter. Animancy-based effects can easily be based on the use of items, as is appropriate for the discipline given its dependence on machinery and tools, and the risks associated with the use of such items as well as their efficacy can be influenced by the skills and talents of the user (as well as the power and characteristics of the items themselves). Things like creating flesh golems and animats could be approached through the use of skills and items as well, and the actual process could resemble the creation of a hireling (and being subject to the same limits in terms of party inclusion) or acquiring a sidekick. Like the blade golem in NWN 2, such companions could be enhanced through skill checks in dialogue and perhaps through the use of appropriate items (crafting materials in the case of animats, perhaps, and things like rare vessel flesh/bones for grafts in the case of undead). As I mentioned earlier, "summoning" undead doesn't really make sense within standard class/level progression schemes since the most powerful and difficult to control form of undead also happens to be the form that they all start in, but using animancy devices to lure, disrupt, or control vessels within an area is easier to fit within this paradigm since you wouldn't have to start off able to bend fampyrs to your will for it to be useful.


If anything, not limiting animancy to a particular class actually allows for more extensive implementation through in-game mechanics since they would be usable by a broader range of characters. Consider the developers' response to inquiries into the creating of monk-specific weapons like spiked gloves: they were hesitant to invest the time and resources for something that would see use by only one class out of eleven (or twelve if there were an animancer class). If any class can potentially include animancers based on skill and possibly proficiency choices, then this becomes far less of a concern.


Edited by blotter
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