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Suggestions to improve load times

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I know a lot of people are suffering from long loading times, and even on a good system this can be annoying.

Most of the time you spend a lot of time on a map, so it's not a big thing, but after playing the White March and running around in Stalwart this actually became really annoying. With all the running in and out of buildings, you spent more time watching the load screen than actually playing the game.


I don't know if it's technically feasable, but my suggestion would be that in areas like Stalwart, Defiance Bay and similar the full map including it's buildings are loaded, so transitions in and out of buildings are done without a loading screen.

This might make the load times for the initial entry slightly longer, but you would skip the following transitions which I'd prefer any day of the week.


Love the game, and can't wait for the part of the White March!

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They should be able to do it by putting it all on the same map/area. So going into buldings would be more like teleporting between two areas on the same map.

Of course they would have to hide areas on the map screen so it still looks "right".

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It's the loading times that get me, I'd love to play PoE more often, but it's so daunting with those loooong loading times that I only last an hour or two at most. I like exploring going in and out of buildings, eventually the loading screens just win. I give up. 


Still, a great game.

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