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Clothing option?

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Is there much known on this?


I would really like to be abled to where long robes (purely eshthetics) over my armor (like Obi wan in the Clone wars cartoon) or over the functional robes from KotoR 1. This way we can have an armored Jedi that still looks like a Jedi.

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Is it just me or are the Jedi robes beginning to resemble the Japanese samurai kimono type robes? At the very least the new female NPC with the white robe particularly sports that look. Pretty spiffy though I think that is probably her regular clothing look (like Bastila's orange get up with clothing) and would change when you equip her in another robe.

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At least the robes have hoods now - better still if they can be up or down.


As for armor over/under clothing, not sure about this. It would be nice, I agree. But then you'd have to remove robe bonuses... A Jedi is already powerful so imagine if they had robes and armor... they'd be untouchable.

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I want more than just ugly old robes :(


I want them to add some nice looking Star Wars-ish outfits for characters to wear. Something other than the generic outfits your characters started with (as in KotOR)

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At least the robes have hoods now - better still if they can be up or down.


As for armor over/under clothing, not sure about this. It would be nice, I agree. But then you'd have to remove robe bonuses... A Jedi is already powerful so imagine if they had robes and armor... they'd be untouchable.

in the cutscenes from the original KOTOR revan had armor underneath his robes. I so wish that revan's robe you got from the starforge actually looked like that.

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are chainmail bikinis in?


what about padme's snow bunny outfit?


i want to make sure any female NPCs in my party are properly dressed for the full star wars experience.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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I hate to keep bring up PnP d20, but I hope KoToR2 is more like it. In d20 you don't get armor bonus from robes(or armor). The defense bonus per level is just higher. I think it is about double. I know it is double at higher levels. Jedi Guardian at level 20 is +12 rather than +6, but you don't wear armor. And this whole no force powers with armor is something that Bioware added. Since armor isn't used much in start wars(barring a few key individuals and types) the wanted to have a reason why you wouldn't need to.


Oh and you do know the whole concept of Jedi came from the Samurai. You should look on starwars.com. I think they have the concept art for Darth Vader there. Started out looking just like a Samurai in full armor.

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I hate to keep bring up PnP d20, but I hope KoToR2 is more like it. In d20 you don't get armor bonus from robes(or armor). The defense bonus per level is just higher.


Don't hate it! Maybe they'll make it closer to the pnp rules if we all do! :)


I prefer the class based defense bonus over the clothing based one.


If clothing isn't armor, maybe they'll add more outfits.... at least in theory. :)

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Those outer robes shouldn't have any bonusses. They would be purely for show.

You can still have the KotoR 1 robes with bonus which could also fit under the long outer robes, but you could also decide to go for armor under the robes.

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I want some black ninja gear for my character.

"McDonald's taste damn good. I'd rtahe reat their wonderful food then the poisonous junk you server in your house that's for sure.


What's funny is I'm not fat. In fact, I'm skinny. Though I am as healthy as cna be. Outside of being very ugly, and the common cold once in the blue moon I simply don't get sick."


- Volourn, Slayer of Yrkoon!


"I want a Lightsaber named Mr. Zappy" -- Darque

"I'm going to call mine Darque. Then I can turn Darque on anytime I want." -- GhostofAnakin

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Blue jumpsuits with yellow numbers on the back! B)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Meh. ;) you, Darque. And another :) for good measure. ;)


Anyway, what should my

"McDonald's taste damn good. I'd rtahe reat their wonderful food then the poisonous junk you server in your house that's for sure.


What's funny is I'm not fat. In fact, I'm skinny. Though I am as healthy as cna be. Outside of being very ugly, and the common cold once in the blue moon I simply don't get sick."


- Volourn, Slayer of Yrkoon!


"I want a Lightsaber named Mr. Zappy" -- Darque

"I'm going to call mine Darque. Then I can turn Darque on anytime I want." -- GhostofAnakin

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I want the long flowing robes from the movies too...similar to the star forge robes or Revan robes....but maybe with more variety. Also it would be a really cool option to be able to hood or unhood your character with the touch of a button. :ph34r:

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I've found this mod site






also if you wanna be Darth Revan follow these instruction I recieved from Darth ToMeR

Download this mod - http://www.andargor.com/files/holowan_cloakworks.zip


Unzip the files to the override folder. In-Game open-up Console and type "giveitem hl_i_disguise022". Now go to the equip screen and equip the Energy Shield that calld "Darth Revan". And now you are Revan. Hope it helps you.

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