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Melee, ranged? 


I find all-out slashing melee rogue a lot of fun. High Might&Dex, dual wield stilettos (or similar), Sneak Attack & Finishing Blows, and that's usually enough to be shredding stuff at 50+ damage a second. 

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Sorry for not clarifying, I want to play a melee Rogue.  Someone who actually beat it on POTD with a Rogue so I can get a good sense of abilities to take and others to pass on and what the attribute spread is.

Edited by TrueMenace


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my build is kinda unconventional but im finding that it does amazingly well in potd.


herth orlan


max str, dex, con


Dump intel


Then either..

dump perception rest into resolve for dialouge options and higher will saves(opens up a lot more ways to complete quests)

dump resolve rest into perception for interrupts (more effective in combat)


Ill go into reasoning for these stats later


Talents for first couple levels should be focused on accuracy since it begins so low

1 blinding strike (-20 deflection is big early game)

2 weapon focus

3 reckless assault

4 two handed style

5 dirty fighting

6 vicious fighting


After that its up to your play style you should have a good idea of what direction you want to take by level 6. want the ability to jump to backlines or out of engagement? take escape. want more offensive burst powers? take crippling/finishing blow


I went with ruffian because of nice choice of weapons and rocking dual sabres with annihilation mods does massive damage considering that most of your hits will be critical mid game and on.


I run with cloth armor for almost the whole game. To survive the occasional hits and spells you rely on high hp/endurance from max constitution and using draining weapons or shod in faith which triggers quite often. Its a high risk high reward role but it quite satisfying when played right.

Edited by dudex
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then dont take it then


im speaking from my experience all my main character have been rogues, monks, or barbs on potd. I find that having high con lets u join the fight faster, stay in fights longer, go armor less,  and maneuver the back lines safer (you eat a couple spells and arrows and bullets but your guy can take it.). all this increases your damage contribution so I look at constitution as a melee rouge third dps stat as intel do very little for them since they dont have aoe like monks and barbs.

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Maxing out deflection and reflex allows to get a high dodge chance for the majority of damaging attacks. You'll regret this when facing these rare will & fort damaging effects though. But overall you can max dex, per and res, dump con and int and put rest into might. And of course you will be helpless against those mind control effects and disables on your own, but its not like a different stat distribution would help much. Maxed dex and per gives the maximum possible reflex score, res and per for deflection as usual. This is a good option for dialogues as a main too.


Hearth Orlan 14/3/19/20/3/19 (dreadfire archipelago).


As for abilities and talents:



Crippling strike (2x is better than 1x blinding with this int)

Reckless assault

Dirty fighting

Deep wounds

<Open ability> - potential candidates: coordinated positioning, grazes -> misses on reflex (forgot the name), riposte, blinding strike, finishing blow. Pick one.




WF: Ruffian

TW style

Vulnerable attack

Vicious fighting

Deflecting assault

Superior deflection


Use +10 deflection and saves items in any form and carry a backup shield. It's possible to also pick W&S style instead of deflecting assault or superior defl to switch to a backup W&S setup in tight situations , which will net you over 100 deflection (not amazing, but you'll be mostly grazed by weak mobs).

Edited by MadDemiurg
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I played through potd with great success with a Hearth Orlan - max might/dex, 10 int, 7 con (I belive), low resolve, high (think maybe I got it to max) perception. In my opinion, you don't really want to hard-dump any save simply to avoid crits. A crit hit vs. Reflex can kill you, a crit dominate will last long enough for you to kill your entire team, etc.


I would take blinding strike first, because the debuff is stronger and gives you better survival ability at start. Do bring a cipher on the team (and a wiz if you don't mind). Cipher debuffs are great to help the rogue survive and kill. Don't hate the pike in early game to stay behind your tank in doorways.


Dual wielding ruffian weapons is a good idea. Stilettos and Sabres comes in great varieties. In terms of talents and abilities it should be pretty straight forward what to take. Maximize your damage output with crit talents and modals. Skip backstab, coordinated positioning and riposte (enemies on potd do not miss). 

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Trying to remember my build, it should be this:

Lvl 1 Blinding Strike
Lvl 2 Weapon  Focus Ruffian
Lvl 3 Reckless Assault
Lvl 4 Two weapon style
Lvl 5 Dirty Fighting
Lvl 6 Vicious Fighting
Lvl 7 Finishing Blow
Lvl 8 Vulnerable Attack
Lvl 9 Deathblows
Lvl 10 Savage Attack
Lvl 11 Withering Strike
Lvl 12 Shadowing Beyond
I killed things stupendously fast :D
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Death godlike is certainly doable, but you won't notice the ability all that much outside of bossfights, ogres and trolls. Everything else has so little health that once it drops below 25% (you know, it might be a drop from 30% to 10%), it's virtually dead already. Those are however, worthwhile fights in which to have the bonus. You'll get +1 to dex which is nice, so not a bad option at all. You might also consider boreal dwarf or amaua.


If you don't mind using godlikes (I do), then I would suggest a running a moony instead. That heal is going to save your life at some point. High might and little life means it'll be close to a full health refund when you need it the most, plus it heals your team. It's ridiculous. Death godlike is decent for RP though. I actually dig Rymrgand after doing his questline at Twin Elms.

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If not hearth orlan I'd go human as the next dps race pick (not that good if you dump int though). Since you're melee tank races would work well too, moon godlike being the most obvious choice. Pale elf is pretty good too though. I'm assuming that if you don't want hearth orlan you won't like wild either. Coastal aumaua might be actually decent for extra CC resist. I'd pick death godlike as the next option after the listed ones. Race does not matter all that much though, so pick whatever you like, even dwarf (boreal dwarf is actually good but very situational). You've asked for an optimal build though :).

Edited by MadDemiurg
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I've been running on PotD solo:


Might 11, Con 10, Dex 10, Per 18, Int 10, Res 19 (I didn't want to dump Int because I didn't want my durations to suck, Per and Res for high deflection. Even with Might 11 I'm easily out-damaging the Paladin I made with max Might for PotD solo - so I really don't think you need it crazy high).


Race: Moon Godlike


Abs: 1 Crippling Strike, 3 Reckless Assault, 5 Riposte, 7 Adept Evasion (if it converts all types grazes to misses 50% of the time as the wiki says and not just reflex as the game says, I posted a question on these boards to find that out - if not take Deep Wounds here), 9 - Deep Wounds / Dirty Fighting (again taking Dirty Fighting only if Adept Evasion is not following the wiki description), Blinding Strike.


Talents: 2 - Weapon and Shield Style, 4 - Vulnerable Attack, 6 - Cautious Attack, 8 - Shadowing Beyond, 10 - Superior Deflection, 12 - Deflecting Assault


I've hit level 7 so far and it's going well (taking Deep Wounds at level 7 as I'm still iffy on whether the wiki or game description of Adept Evasion is correct), the idea is you have high Deflection so you can get a lot of misses which you capitalise on with Riposte, whilst at the same time having a good damage output. Reckless Assault may seem counterintuitive towards this end, but with Deflecting Assault it's only costing you 3 Deflection for a huge benefit (even without Deflecting Assault, if you're using a large shield you're running net neutral changes to accuracy but with +8 Deflection and x1.2 damage - not even factoring in any talents like Weapon and Shield Style).


Go with Larder Door (it activates your hobble/blind on the first hit, allowing your weapon hit to benefit from sneak attack) and try and get retaliate equipment. With that and Deep Wounds (focusing on tanky armour) you can grind down the enemy pretty quickly. Also remember that flanking is another criteria for sneak attacks, so summons to maximum effect in this regard. If I complete the game with this (which I'm hoping to), I'll write a class build for it.

Edited by Jojobobo
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I'll try to be a bit more specific. I want to play as a dual-wielding rogue that flanks enemies after my tanks have engaged the enemy. I don't want to be "tanking" or using a shield.


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This is one class I could not figure out, OP asks a good question.

Having trouble with the games combat on POTD, Trial of Iron?

- Hurtin bomb droppin MONK - [MONK BUILD] - [CLICK HERE]

- Think Rangers suck? You're wrong - [RANGER BUILD] + Tactics/Strategies - [CLICK HERE]

- Fighter Heavy Tank - [FIGHTER BUILD] + Tactics/Strategies - [CLICK HERE]

Despite what I may post, I'm a huge fan of Pillars of Eternity, it's one of my favorite RPG's.

Anita Sarkeesian keeps Bioware's balls in a jar on her shelf.

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I'll try to be a bit more specific. I want to play as a dual-wielding rogue that flanks enemies after my tanks have engaged the enemy. I don't want to be "tanking" or using a shield.

You will still need defense, max your RES, PER and put some points into CON. Wear DEFL + 10 Ring or cloak. Wield maces, they are very strong because of dr bypass.

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Looking to start up POTD on 1.05 with a Rogue.


Can anyone give me a good build with all attribute spread and such?


Race: Whatever you want to play as. I use human.

Stats: 16/8/16/14/10/14 for combat-oriented character, 14/8/14/14/14/14 for roleplaying purposes. I used the 1st template but I favor the latter because there is an abundancy of +2-3 attributes items, allowing you to choose most dialogue options.

Talents and abilities:

[1] Blinding Strike
[2] Two Weapon Style
[3] Reckless Assault
[4] Savage Attack
[5] Deep Wounds
[6] Deflecting Assault
[7] Dirty Fighting
[8] Vicious Fighting
[9] Crippling Strike
[10] Whatever you want
[11] Deathblows
[12] Weapon Focus
Gameplay tips:
- Combat auto-pauses set to: Enemy Spotted, Party Member Finishes Ability, Combat Start, Target Destroyed, and nothing else
When your party spots an enemy, the game will pause (Enemy Spotted). Switch to Scout Mode. Reposition your group. Start the combat by shooting with your highest damage ranged weapon for a free Sneak Attack. The game will pause again (Combat start). Switch your weapons to melee and the combat-time to Slow. Always use your X Strike ability (In my case, Blinding Strike and Crippling Strike). Switch to Normal speed whenever you feel comfortable (2-3 remaining enemies is a good number).
- Party composition works well with 2 tanks in the frontrow along with you. They will soak the damage for you, engage enemies, and help you to flank. The best companions for these roles are Éder, Pallegina and Kana. I've built Pallegina and Kana as Two-Handed fighters before, but I didn't like so much. The purpose of that build is to deal more damage, and you are a damage dealer, therefore I rather build them all with Weapon & Shield style. The best candidate for a TH of these 3 companions is Pallegina. She'll need a weapon with +Draining to assure sustainibility in the frontlines, more about this below.
- I love weapon enchantments like +Accuracy to increase your Sneak Attack Criticals range and +Draining. At least one weapon with life leech will make sure that you don't rely on your companions so much and can be a lifesaver. DR bypass is not necessary when you hit as a truck, and they don't work well with Lashes.
- Always set a trap before combat. If you don't like how traps work in this game, simply sell them.
- Invest in AthleticsMechanics and Stealth. 3 points in Athletics is enough, for everyone. 8 Mechanics is enough if you find the +2 Mechanics +1 Dexterity gloves. The remaining high levels (11-12) traps in the game (very few) can be set off by your party members or be disarmed with the help of other bonuses (+3 Scroll or +1 from Inns). Extra Stealth is always good. You can set the skills to 3/8/8 and invest the remaining points in Lore/Survival if you want extra dialogue options.
- Pick Weapon Focus at level 12 to make sure you are comfortable with your favorite weapons.
- A good tank, Durance and a Debuff/CC caster (Aloth/Grieving Mother) are your best friends. See a pattern here? Rogue, Fighter, Priest, Wizard. Durance will always buff your attacks and can save you with fantastic spells like Withdraw or Consecrated Ground. Champion's Boon is simply ridiculously good for you. Aloth can Debuff/CC with spells like Slicken and Curse of Blackened Sight. These spells give afflictions that will allow you to Sneak Attack. Add Expose Vulnerabilities for free extra damage.
- Give Durance the Interdiction tree line (all 3 Talents) and focus in +Burn/Ranged damage Talents later. Always open your combat with Debuffs like Interdiction/Curse of the Blackened Sight/Phantom Foes.
- I haven't finished the game yet (PotD - Act 3), but I simply destroy everything on my path. My party composition during Act 1 & 2 was:
  1. DW Rogue
  2. Éder & Itumaaki
  3. Pallegina/Kana
  4. Durance
  5. Sagani
  6. Aloth/Grieving Mother
And for the beginning of Act 3 I'm using
  1. DW Rogue
  2. Pallegina & Itumaaki
  3. Hiravias
  4. Durance
  5. Sagani
  6. Grieving Mother
Don't worry so much about Min/Maxing. The rogue is a great party leader and a fantastic damage dealer.  I assure that you will crush your enemies no matter what race/attributes/Talents/Abilities you get, even on PotD, so worry more about roleplaying.
Edited by qweqwe
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Looking to start up POTD on 1.05 with a Rogue.


Can anyone give me a good build with all attribute spread and such?

Race: Whatever you want to play as. I use human.

Stats: 16/8/16/14/10/14 for combat-oriented character, 14/8/14/14/14/14 for roleplaying purposes. I used the 1st template but I favor the latter because there is an abundancy of +2-3 attributes items, allowing you to choose most dialogue options.

Talents and abilities:


[1] Blinding Strike

[2] Two Weapon Style

[3] Reckless Assault

[4] Savage Attack

[5] Deep Wounds

[6] Deflecting Assault

[7] Dirty Fighting

[8] Vicious Fighting

[9] Crippling Strike

[10] Whatever you want

[11] Deathblows

[12] Weapon Focus


Gameplay tips:

- Combat auto-pauses set to: Enemy Spotted, Party Member Finishes Ability, Combat Start, Target Destroyed, and nothing else

When your party spots an enemy, the game will pause (Enemy Spotted). Switch to Scout Mode. Reposition your group. Start the combat by shooting with your highest damage ranged weapon for a free Sneak Attack. The game will pause again (Combat start). Switch your weapons to melee and the combat-time to Slow. Always use your X Strike ability (In my case, Blinding Strike and Crippling Strike). Switch to Normal speed whenever you feel comfortable (2-3 remaining enemies is a good number).

- Party composition works well with 2 tanks in the frontrow along with you. They will soak the damage for you, engage enemies, and help you to flank. The best companions for these roles are Éder, Pallegina and Kana. I've built Pallegina and Kana as Two-Handed fighters before, but I didn't like so much. The purpose of that build is to deal more damage, and you are a damage dealer, therefore I rather build them all with Weapon & Shield style. The best candidate for a TH of these 3 companions is Pallegina. She'll need a weapon with +Draining to assure sustainibility in the frontlines, more about this below.

- I love weapon enchantments like +Accuracy to increase your Sneak Attack Criticals range and +Draining. At least one weapon with life leech will make sure that you don't rely on your companions so much and can be a lifesaver. DR bypass is not necessary when you hit as a truck, and they don't work well with Lashes.

- Always set a trap before combat. If you don't like how traps work in this game, simply sell them.

- Invest in Athletics, Mechanics and Stealth. 3 points in Athletics is enough, for everyone. 8 Mechanics is enough if you find the +2 Mechanics +1 Dexterity gloves. The remaining high levels (11-12) traps in the game (very few) can be set off by your party members or be disarmed with the help of other bonuses (+3 Scroll or +1 from Inns). Extra Stealth is always good. You can set the skills to 3/8/8 and invest the remaining points in Lore/Survival if you want extra dialogue options.

- Pick Weapon Focus at level 12 to make sure you are comfortable with your favorite weapons.

- A good tank, Durance and a Debuff/CC caster (Aloth/Grieving Mother) are your best friends. See a pattern here? Rogue, Fighter, Priest, Wizard. Durance will always buff your attacks and can save you with fantastic spells like Withdraw or Consecrated Ground. Champion's Boon is simply ridiculously good for you. Aloth can Debuff/CC with spells like Slicken and Curse of Blackened Sight. These spells give afflictions that will allow you to Sneak Attack. Add Expose Vulnerabilities for free extra damage.

- Give Durance the Interdiction tree line (all 3 Talents) and focus in +Burn/Ranged damage Talents later. Always open your combat with Debuffs like Interdiction/Curse of the Blackened Sight/Phantom Foes.

- I haven't finished the game yet (PotD - Act 3), but I simply destroy everything on my path. My party composition during Act 1 & 2 was:

  • DW Rogue
  • Éder & Itumaaki
  • Pallegina/Kana
  • Durance
  • Sagani
  • Aloth/Grieving Mother

And for the beginning of Act 3 I'm using

  • DW Rogue
  • Pallegina & Itumaaki
  • Hiravias
  • Durance
  • Sagani
  • Grieving Mother
Don't worry so much about Min/Maxing. The rogue is a great party leader and a fantastic damage dealer. I assure that you will crush your enemies no matter what race/attributes/Talents/Abilities you get, even on PotD, so worry more about roleplaying.

This is great thank you so much. This is exactly what I was looking for. Much appreciated.


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I've been running on PotD solo:


Might 11, Con 10, Dex 10, Per 18, Int 10, Res 19 (I didn't want to dump Int because I didn't want my durations to suck, Per and Res for high deflection. Even with Might 11 I'm easily out-damaging the Paladin I made with max Might for PotD solo - so I really don't think you need it crazy high).


Race: Moon Godlike


Abs: 1 Crippling Strike, 3 Reckless Assault, 5 Riposte, 7 Adept Evasion (if it converts all types grazes to misses 50% of the time as the wiki says and not just reflex as the game says, I posted a question on these boards to find that out - if not take Deep Wounds here), 9 - Deep Wounds / Dirty Fighting (again taking Dirty Fighting only if Adept Evasion is not following the wiki description), Blinding Strike.


Talents: 2 - Weapon and Shield Style, 4 - Vulnerable Attack, 6 - Cautious Attack, 8 - Shadowing Beyond, 10 - Superior Deflection, 12 - Deflecting Assault


I've hit level 7 so far and it's going well (taking Deep Wounds at level 7 as I'm still iffy on whether the wiki or game description of Adept Evasion is correct), the idea is you have high Deflection so you can get a lot of misses which you capitalise on with Riposte, whilst at the same time having a good damage output. Reckless Assault may seem counterintuitive towards this end, but with Deflecting Assault it's only costing you 3 Deflection for a huge benefit (even without Deflecting Assault, if you're using a large shield you're running net neutral changes to accuracy but with +8 Deflection and x1.2 damage - not even factoring in any talents like Weapon and Shield Style).


Go with Larder Door (it activates your hobble/blind on the first hit, allowing your weapon hit to benefit from sneak attack) and try and get retaliate equipment. With that and Deep Wounds (focusing on tanky armour) you can grind down the enemy pretty quickly. Also remember that flanking is another criteria for sneak attacks, so summons to maximum effect in this regard. If I complete the game with this (which I'm hoping to), I'll write a class build for it.


Int and Rogue is the worst combo ever. If you are not putting points into it for saves I dunno what u're doing :p

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Rogue Builds :


18/3/18/18/3/18 - Melee Rogue - doesnt need INT because can apply flanked just by standing there . ( Dual Wield Flanker , or 2nd Line Melee With a pike )

19/3/19/17/17/3 - For ranged Rogue, going RES makes no sense on ranged as you never will find any use for it , but maybe once or twice per level you will want to have your own debuff running until you wear big enemy down so INT really helps alot on POTD  for ranged rogue . ( use warbow , stack crit and might not dex dont stack dexterity 22 from base + items is more than you should have anyway, aim for 30 Endgame Might out of combat fully buffed ) 


Also keep in mind that on POTD rogue crippling strke lasts like 3 seconds without intelect , so major babysit from the party will be needed , Especially for DeathBlows 

Edited by Exoduss
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