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Where is north on the global map?

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Uh ... that's not really how north works.


Unless the world is flat. And diamond-shaped.


It's neither of those things.

Edited by gkathellar
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If I'm typing in red, it means I'm being sarcastic. But not this time.

Dark green, on the other hand, is for jokes and irony in general.

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north-west or norh-east


It's very important question.


Thx for answer.


Confusing question. Neither. North is at 0° of rotation in the unit circle, with northeast being 45° and northwest 315°, but the game really doesn't use northeast or northwest in any way to determine where you can go. For all intents and purposes, barring a few specially named and locked exists on a map going north (upper end) unlocks any areas north of your position.

Edited by majestic

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Uh ... that's not really how north works.


Unless the world is flat. And diamond-shaped.


It's neither of those things.

The world in the isometric projection is indeed diamond-shaped. North must coincide with either the top-right side of the diamond or the top-left side of the diamond. At the moment, the game is giving somewhat controversial directions in this regard:

for example, the North Ward in the Brackenbury Sanitarium is located in the top-right corner of the map. The dragon in the "Parable of Wael" quest is facing in the same direction, and it's described as east there.

Eastern Barbican in the stronghold faces bottom-right, but Western Barbican faces bottom-left, which should be south if we go by the neighbouring barbican.


Hope this clears the question up.

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На глобальной карте север сверху. Не на глобальной карте камера над игроком повёрнута на 45 градусов, так что верхний край, получается, смотрит на северо-запад. А тебе зачем?


Pardon my spelling. :p

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Uh ... that's not really how north works.


Unless the world is flat. And diamond-shaped.


It's neither of those things.

The world in the isometric projection is indeed diamond-shaped. North must coincide with either the top-right side of the diamond or the top-left side of the diamond. At the moment, the game is giving somewhat controversial directions in this regard:

for example, the North Ward in the Brackenbury Sanitarium is located in the top-right corner of the map. The dragon in the "Parable of Wael" quest is facing in the same direction, and it's described as east there.

Eastern Barbican in the stronghold faces bottom-right, but Western Barbican faces bottom-left, which should be south if we go by the neighbouring barbican.


Hope this clears the question up.



The North Ward in the Brackenbury Sanitarium is the ward which is roughly north relative to the other wards.


Caed Nua has two barbicans. One is more to the east, and one is more to the west. As a result, they are named the East Barbican, and the West Barbican.


Place names should not be read as map directions, in real life or in video games.

If I'm typing in red, it means I'm being sarcastic. But not this time.

Dark green, on the other hand, is for jokes and irony in general.

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^In addition to the above, "Parable of Wael" quest asks to bury the thing "under the skull of the drake looking east". Giving that north should be upper-right corner of the map, skull looks east alright unlike the rest of the body. Poor bird broke its neck falling.

Значит ты придерживаешься версии, что север находится на северо-востоке, правильно?


Cant EDIT:  Bing translation:  You priderživaeš′sâ version that the North is located in the North-East, right?
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Значит ты придерживаешься версии, что север находится на северо-востоке, правильно?


Cant EDIT:  Bing translation:  You priderživaeš′sâ version that the North is located in the North-East, right?

Север находится на севере. А череп из квеста смотрит приблизительно в сторону востока, этого достаточно, чтобы отличить нужный скелет от двух других, и больше от него ничего не требуется. Чесслово, ну не рисовать же фэнтезийную игровую карту в меркаторовой проекции с меридианами и всем прочим.


...is translation in English really needed? There's nothing of particular interest there to anyone except OP, I swear :)

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На панели быстрого доступа значок карты ясно даёт понять, что север находится на северо-востоке. И это очень важный вопрос. Как ориентироваться в пространстве, не зная где находятся части света. По тени от персонажей не определить, она всегда смотрит в одном направлении днём и ночью. Нужно точное подтверждение нахождения севера. На трёх картинках выше какая из них правильная?



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Третья картинка правильная.


Но я всё равно убей не понимаю, зачем тебе эта роза ветров сдалась. Локации не настолько большие, чтобы в них заблудиться, а на глобальной карте значки нарисованы размером с пятак для альтернативно одарённых. Если отличаешь право от лева, а верх - от низа, не заблудишься.

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