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Translation Errors / Missing Translations - Spanish



I open this post to gather all the mistakes in the spanish version i find as i play.


1- In the object window the option "Enchant" is not translated. http://prntscr.com/6mf8ql


2- Gold Valley - Tuanatu mision to recovery his supplies. When you speak with him to complete mision the answer 1 and 3 are the same ("goodbye"). The answer 1 must be correct. http://prntscr.com/6mfc9v


3- "East Thicket" (i don`t know english name) - All the stones with dead names are not translated, indeed, there is no stone translated from the beginning to the first big city. http://prntscr.com/6mffjz http://prntscr.com/6mfge5 Raedric`s domains: http://prntscr.com/6mfgvx Copper district`s catacombs: http://prntscr.com/6mfhdn


4- Stronghold upgrades window - in the "South curtain" text has a mistake. "La cortina sur aumenta la protección del a muralla exterior frente a invasores procedentes del sur". Correct text: "La cortina sur aumenta la protección de la muralla exterior frente a invasores procedentes del sur". http://prntscr.com/6mfiqn


5- Stronghols actions window - Nyrid is imprisoned and the text that tell the history stops without ending. http://prntscr.com/6mfl72


6- Game options menu - in the game window the "Area Loot Radius (meters)" option is not translated (neither its explanation). http://prntscr.com/6mfm9y


I`ll try to mantain this post updated.


Thanks for reading



Edited by Thortxu
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Uh oh, thread resurrection.


data_expansion1/localized/es/text/conversations/px1_02_durgans_battery/px1_02_si_chasm_rescue_redux.stringtable -> All mentioned Slot 0 expept for ID 5 need to be Specified 0.



The spanish Text looks a bit „off“.

/data/localized/en/text/conversations/10_od_nua/1008_cv_masters_servant.stringtable  <ID>145</ID>
en: "Keep your names to yourself. I'm no hound to be clept by whatever title you fancy."
de_patch: „Behalte deine Namen für dich. Ich bin kein Hund, denn man nach einem Namen ruft, der einem gerade gefällt.“
es: [Márchate.] "Nada. Adiós".
it: "Tieni per te i tuoi nomi. Non sono un cane da battezzare come ti pare".
pl: „Zachowaj swoje imiona dla siebie. Nie jestem psem, żebyś mi je nadawał.”
ru: "Оставьте имена для себя. Я не собака, чтобы давать мне клички".
fr: "Gardez vos noms pour vous. Je ne suis pas un chien que vous pouvez affubler du petit nom qui vous plaît."



/data/localized/en/text/conversations/companions/companion_cv_kana_hub.stringtable ID:      <ID>80</ID>

Text 80 uses [Player Race] all other languages use [Player Name]



/data_expansion1/localized/en/text/conversations/px1_02_durgans_battery/px1_02_si_minecart_shenanigans_start.stringtable ID: 52 and 53 always need to use [slot 2]. The error is the usage of [slot 0].



See the difference:

/data_expansion2/localized/en/text/conversations/px2_02_durgans_battery/px2_02_si_elevator.stringtable ID 103, same with 107, 111, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122

en: [slot 2] reaches the edge just as [specified 0]'s fingers slip.
de_patch: [slot 2] erreicht den Rand gerade, als die Finger von [specified 0] abrutschen.
es: Llegas al borde justo cuando a [specified 2] se le resbalan los dedos.
it: [slot 2] raggiunge il bordo proprio nel momento in cui [specified 0] molla la presa.
pl: [slot 2] dociera do krawędzi akurat w chwili, kiedy [specified 0] traci uchwyt.
ru: [slot 2] оказывается на краю как раз в тот момент, когда [specified 0] теряет хватку.
fr: [slot 2] atteint le bord juste avant que [specified 0] ne lâche prise.




data_expansion2/localized/es/text/conversations/px2_05_wildernesses/px2_05_si_infiltration.stringtable ID 22, 23, 25, 26, 36, 37, 38,

Slot 0 is used, it has to be Specified 0.

Edited by Xaratas
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