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SW: The Old Republic - Episode VII (J.J. Strikes Back)


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Apparently he is responsible mostly for the JK story, maybe other grand plot stuff, not too sure. Someone a few pages back in this thread had more details about it, if you want to search.


And yes, he's the author of the novels that took a massive dump on Obs' vision of the KotOR canon (aka "my Gary Stu is cooler than your Gary Stu" syndrome), and which laid the foundations upon which the JK and Revan/Maelstrom Prison/Foundry plot arcs are based.


edit: herp-a-derp grammar

Edited by 213374U
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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Anecdote time... I've hated those flashpoints ever since they were relased.


When I heard that they didn't make any new HM flashpoints, but just recycled the 4 "tactical" flashpoints, I died a little inside (very melodramatic!).


Just wait until you try the Revan fight in solo mode on Yavin 4... bring plenty of coffee, as you will be spending 75% of the time lying on your back on the ground, stunned, admiring the sky above you, while the GSI'sus Bot does the fighting for you wink.png


Did more relocation of characters. Did a test on Shadowlands and Jedi Covenant (creating a gazillion level 1 toons on each, testing name availability). Turned out, if moving the toons I wanted to use to JC, I would only need to rename 2 instead of 5. With transfers being dirt cheap, I moved the remaining ones to JC as well as re-relocated those I had sent to Shadowlands so I can have most of my old team together, sans those sent to Harbinger.


A few of those that didn't fit ended up on the Ebon Hawk.


I think I'm going to pose a challenge to myself... create at least 1 male cathar and 1 male togruta. Got 1 of each girly version, but for some reason, most of my males tend to be human (or very human looking cyborgs). Only notable exceptions are my big burly male Twilek guardian tank (now on JC) which I'm quite fond of and a male chiss sniper.

we now got 8 60s at harbinger, and it literal took less time to get those 8 to 50 than it did to get 'em from 50 to 60.  well, is slight misleading as we started out with 3 characters at 50ish and one in the mid 20s. regardless, we got 8 harbinger 60s, but gearing seems like a pointless endeavour given the upcoming xpac, and new level limit, so we pushed the basic and elite comm caps and am now getting a little grindy generating credits through mindless dailies.  when the xpac drops, am not certain if we will focus on harbinger or jc.


our jc sniper has an x-52 wraith, which is the tac-hud model rifle without the ugly hud.  we keep checking the harbinger gtn for availability o' a wraith, but so far we has been stymied.  have considered transferring our sniper to harbinger for no other reason than that we want our favorite sniper weapon available to us.  silly? yes.


am thinking that at the moment most o' our swtor "gameplay," other than daily runs for comms and coin, is reminiscent o' a hurl post a few pages back: am outfitting characters.  is a bit embarrassing, but am spending considerable effort playing with the paper dolls and the outfit designer.  gotta look good/unique, yes?




HA! Good Fun!


ps we will cut karpshyn a little slack regarding revan and the exile. yeah, what drew did with those characters were ridiculous and disappointing.  'course, the advantage chrisA had were that obsidian never had to do anything with revan beyond kotor2.  the mystery is typical better than reality, regardless o' who writes.  do like hitchc0ck and leave as mcguffin is likely the best option, 'cause otherwise we get nonsense like Lost tv show or the cylon's "plan" from new battlestar galactica.  obsidian games frequent has/had disappointing conclusions, so fact that they didn't need conclude revan/exile mighta' been an advantage. even so, we miss obsidian's revan, exile, and more open-minded pov o' the force.

Edited by Gromnir
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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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"And yes, he's the author of the novels that took a massive dump on Obs' vision of the KotOR canon (aka "my Gary Stu is cooler than your Gary Stu" syndrome), and which laid the foundations upon which the JK and Revan/Maelstrom Prison/Foundry plot arcs are based."


Considering that Obsidian started that war I feel no mercy for them.


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isn't 'bout empathy for obsidian.  we do not mourn for obsidian.  our preference is personal. so to then must be the loss. 


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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"And yes, he's the author of the novels that took a massive dump on Obs' vision of the KotOR canon (aka "my Gary Stu is cooler than your Gary Stu" syndrome), and which laid the foundations upon which the JK and Revan/Maelstrom Prison/Foundry plot arcs are based."


Considering that Obsidian started that war I feel no mercy for them.


You misspelled "stupid SJW nazis".

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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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am thinking that at the moment most o' our swtor "gameplay," other than daily runs for comms and coin, is reminiscent o' a hurl post a few pages back: am outfitting characters.  is a bit embarrassing, but am spending considerable effort playing with the paper dolls and the outfit designer.  gotta look good/unique, yes?



Not laughing at you, but with you :)


I haven't really bothered with dailies/weeklies/com grinding for a long time (don't really need the credits and expect to get screwed over again with the coms/gear levels when level cap gets raised again). Most of the time has indeed been experimenting with characters, concepts (looks and themes) and the futile quest for "uniqueness" in a game with finite options.


It's like starting a new game of Baldurs Gate in the past, rolling, re-rolling, repeating until not too unhappy with the result and *then* go adventuring. Did cheat a bit and took some of the ideas and transferred to old toons, but otherwise, the time invested in the game since 12x xp started has been trying out ideas and leveling up those I decided to stick with :sweat:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Apparently after today's patch I need to redownload the whole game. Probably something to do with disabling the streaming launcher. I hope the performance upgrades are worth it at least.


Oh well it's not like I'm in a hurry to play or anything.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Holy loading times, Batman! They finally fixed it.

They must have done some optimization of the asset database. My jaw almost hit the keyboard when Alderaan loaded in half the time...


Oh well it's not like I'm in a hurry to play or anything.

Sure... tongue.png


So, commendations are being renamed to crystals. While they said they wouldn't introduce conversion rates or strip people of their commendations this time, I still expect a "devaluation" to come soon. Another shade of crystal is probably easier for the PR department to sell to disgruntled customers than telling them that basic coms are the new classic coms and ultimate coms no longer buy top tier gear, you need mega ultra plus coms for that.


No that commendation gear was worth buying in the first place, but at least all 3 roles got screwed over equally with SoR, not just tanks.


Still curious to see how they are going to convince people to play PT/VG tanks now that they intend to take any and all gap closers away from them until level 61 (the abilities that Jug/VG tanks gets at level 2 and Shadow/Assassins at level 14)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Hm. Just taken my smuggler to Rishi. I've only done that with my SI, still, I now have a 60th level smuggler.




To be fair, I should probably do something with some of my other classes. I've left my Jedi Sentinel at 50th, and haven't even started Illum or the like with him...

Edited by Raithe
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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Only use I can find for basic commendations these days is really just for companions. You get the Ziost gear which is superior almost for free (like the old 153 gear from the Oricon mini story). And when they have the basic com gear, I simply just grab something from the vendor and wait for the timer to expire so i can sell it back for a handful credits.


Hence why I referred to it as the new classic coms previously, since companions are not going to need them either apparently in a few weeks time, relegating them to complete irrelevance. Heck, if you could at least buy crafting mats for them like you could once upon a time with the space on rails coms.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Oh well it's not like I'm in a hurry to play or anything.

Sure... tongue.png


I mean it! I haven't played anything since SR:HK, just can't find it in me. I bought a 2-month game time card and only have logged in to grab the Havoc Squad set from GTN, because reasons.


I've tried shaking the rust off and re-learning a few classes but... ugghhhh, can't do it.


On the plus side, I got off my ass and vacuummed the house while it downloaded. So I'm not totally unproductive, just gaming-wise.


(perhaps this should go in "What are you playing now?" Maybe if it also was "Or not playing now?")



- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Got my second 60 today, a guardian. Still need to do Yavin but I'm kinda burned out on it from all the dailies. Marauder is 59 and shadow is 56 so those will be my next projects and after that maybe my merc or operative as both are at 50. My gunslinger and vanguard are still in low or mid 40s so I dunno if they will be done cooking by the time the next expansion drops.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Lets see, I think my Sith Juggernaut is about 57 now, my Consular is 53, my Bounty Hunter is 54,  my Sentinel is still 50, my Agent is about 52, and my Trooper is 55. My Sith Assassin and my Gunslinger are both 60 (the smuggler only having gotten there the other day).


Of those, the Assassin, Gunslinger, and Juggernaut have done Makeb and Oricon (although not the Operation). My Assassin has completed the whole Shadow of Revan storyline. The rest have just been puttering about, and have either just been doing crafting stuff since finishing the class story or puttering a bit on half completing the Illum stuff. I just haven't really pushed them along that much.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Twitch stream should be kicking off in about 35 minutes


I really don't like Twitch...




Fallen Empire @ TwitchCon
WHEN: Friday, Sep. 25th – Saturday, Sep.26th (10AM – 6PM PDT / 5PM – 1AM GMT)
WHAT: Join developers and guest streamers for a first look at Chapter 1: The Hunt in Knights of the Fallen Empire!
Don’t miss the dramatic opening of The Outlander storyline starting at Level 60 and prepare to embark on an iconic story-driven adventure where your choices determine the fate of the galaxy!
Friday, September 25:
10:00 AM (PDT): Lulaboo
11:00 AM: Towelliee
12:00 PM: ZombiUnicorn
2:00 PM: LadyInsanity
3:00 PM: OMGitsfirefoxx
Saturday, September 26:
10:00 AM (PDT): LobosJR
12:00 PM: JediConsular
2:00 PM: Aureylian
3:00 PM: JoblessGamers
Fallen Empire Gameplay Livestream
WHEN: Wednesday, September 30th (2 - 4 PM PDT / 9 – 11 PM GMT)
WHAT: Live Knights of the Fallen Empire Demo – Preview some of the expansion’s most exciting gameplay changes!
The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ team is proud to announce the next installment in our livestream series! Join the developers and be among the first to preview the state of the galaxy in Knights of the Fallen Empire. Tune in to our Twitch channel, where we will be showcasing a wide variety of Fallen Empire gameplay features, ranging from User Interface updates, to Starting at Level 60, to Core World and Crafting changes! Get ready to experience live gameplay from the upcoming expansion, and listen in as our developers answer your most important questions. We hope to see you on the stream!

EDIT- This first steamer person is torturous. I don't care if they talk through all the combat but please shut up during the cutscenes. I'm not here for you, I'm here for the game
EDIT2 - Second streamer doesn't try to talk over the cutscenes as much so I'm happy
EDIT3 - Some good spoilers that I won't put here but it answers a few questions that I had
Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I've been practising my screenshot techniques a bit. Not perfect, but better.


An old toon of mine getting ready to descend on the unsuspecting planet and "de-mystify" the Voss.




Cool anger personified...




But, next up is a handful pictures of funny bugs. Then more toons after that original.gif

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Now that I've completed all class stories, I thought I'd take advantage of the 12x XP to try out some alternates. First up is a SI that's going Lightning Sorcerer route to see how it compares to my original Assassin.


I have to say, Force Storm and Chain Lightning are a great combo on mobs.


On another note, when I first started playing the game I was almost religious about getting the datacrons on planets. Now I'm more "eh, if it doesn't take me out of my way and I can snag it in under 3 minutes I might pickup a datacron...."

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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On another note, when I first started playing the game I was almost religious about getting the datacrons on planets. Now I'm more "eh, if it doesn't take me out of my way and I can snag it in under 3 minutes I might pickup a datacron...."

Curious to see what they do with the data crons once the primary stats dissappear from the game in a few weeks time? unsure.png


Bugs, bugs everywhere! Well, only a few amusing ones that I actually got screenshots of while playing the last few months.


Take that Han Solo, your Kessel run is nothing. Gorth (or rather, his jedi alt which is now on the Jedi Covenant) can fly so fast that he is doing two space missions simultaneously!




Someone forgot to pull the hand brake. Bike is floating away...




You can never have enough of a good thing (this is actually a well known bug). Two Rishas




No, you really can't have enough of a good thing. Between two Lanas, two Therons and 1 Gorth, Revan doesn't have a chance.




The next one was rather spooky actually, again my old assassin tank went data cron hunting on Alderaan and I remembered from my old toons that there was a cron somewhere on a platform in a lake. I'll be damned if I could find it again. In my frustration, i diverted myself by climbing the highest mountains I could find and try to get an overview of the surrounding area.


Well, much to my surprise, I was suddenly "floating on air". What was his name who boasted he had built the Norwegian fjords in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy??? Looks like one of his colleagues left some invisible scaffolding on Alderaan when building the mountains there.


I tried to capture a sense of how high up I'm actually driving. Testing the limits, I wanted to drive to the nearest Republic outpost and see if I could troll a few pubs a bit. Sadly, after a while I hit the edge of whatever i was driving on and plummeted to an ignomeous death. Such is the life of an explorer tongue.png


Taking off...




The world is my playground! (you can just spot my tiny assassin in the middle, having adjusted max camera distance from 23 to 100 percent in settings) original.gif



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The one in the middle of the lake on Alderaan is found on.. hm. To the side of the House Organa compound. There's that small bridge you cross over to the medical camp area, and you work your way through it and there's a narrow pass which has a cable car thing. You have to get the timing right to jump on top of the cable car to get down to the island, since  you can't climb up from the lake.


Well, that's how you used to have to do it months ago....

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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