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SW: The Old Republic - Episode VII (J.J. Strikes Back)


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I thought I'd take the plung and picked up the Shadow of Revan.  Ran through it with my SI, and I have to say it worked quite well. Especially the option to solo the big story point flashpoints as part of the arc. Although to be fair, if you're doing that, the support bot pretty much tanks through the whole thing - kind of like it turns into story/easy mode. But I will say, doing the "face revan" and having all those named faces turn up as your allies instead of some group of random people from group finder did have an interesting epic feel to it. Even if it did turn it into a lack of challenge.


It would be nice if they gave that option for some of the other things. Ala the macrobinocular or corruption storyline arcs that end in Heroic 4+ that no-one ever wants to group for nowadays. I'd like to clear them away instead of having them stuck hanging there.

Thinking back on it now, it was pretty hilarious in an absurd way back when they first released it and the FP was bugged. Revan would give you his grand speech... and then he would proceed to chop up the whole cast, PC included, all by himself, and there was nothing you could do to stop him. I can almost imagine Hall Hood going "thought you could beat up the golden boy did you? Well, not in THIS game chump!". Of course, I doubt people back then would have agreed it was in any way funny...

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Thinking back on it now, it was pretty hilarious in an absurd way back when they first released it and the FP was bugged. Revan would give you his grand speech... and then he would proceed to chop up the whole cast, PC included, all by himself, and there was nothing you could do to stop him. I can almost imagine Hall Hood going "thought you could beat up the golden boy did you? Well, not in THIS game chump!". Of course, I doubt people back then would have agreed it was in any way funny...

I missed that :lol:


While I did preorder it as soon as it was available, I was abroad working in France when it finally did get released. I guess they fixed it before I got to that part the first time. Sounds a bit like halfway through the Jedi Knight story



All geared up, got all the pep talk and speeches etc. then go and take on the emperor... which wipes out your team and most of the jedi masters (barely noticing those insignificant specks that you are)



With my friends mostly gone from the game now, end game that isn't worth the time investment, pvp getting shot in the foot with the god awful new combat systems (class balance being not just its usually skewered towards flavour of the month classes, but completely non existent now), I figured all that was left was to start over leveling up some new toons and enjoy class stories again (at a slower pace). This time on servers with less lag for me.


In case anyone plays on Shadowlands or Red Eclipse, honk!

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I've got my collection of characters on Shadowlands, which I'm still poking along on.


About to start my Trooper on Belsavis now, so he's in the final run up to end the class story. The rest of my toons are pretty much scattered around in that 50-60 area, occasionally making money and gathering resources when I have a bout of crafting, or occasionally just wanting to have an idle play around.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I actually planned on transferring a level 60 toon or two from either Begeren or Harbinger in order to get all the legacy unlocks and achievements (the 1800 cc's is a bargain compared to all the individual unlocks). Do you play mostly imp or pub side?


Edit: I would have loved transferring a toon or two to Red Eclipse too, but Bioware seems adverse to allow that for unknown reasons.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I kind of go through bouts of one or the other. I think I've tended to use my Sith Inquisitor as my primary, since he was the first one I created when it first got released.


I went through in alternating sides really, Sith Inquisitor > Smuggler > Sith Warrior > Jedi Knight > Bounty Hunter > Jedi Consular > Agent > Trooper.  After I'd focused on completing my SI's storyline, I would focus mostly on a chapter of another class, take a pause, then a chapter of the next, then bounce back to do chapter 2, then to the next class to do chapter 1, cycle to the next chapter two, then the first class chapter 3, and so on. It gave some sense of break between the planets and let me satisfy different moods.


With occasional moments just for pure dabbling, or poking at end-game stuff. Although I still haven't actually done any Operations. :p

Did do some guild flashpoints, and we all meant to do some Ops, but by the time everyone had characters levelled up to do so, people had started dropping away with real life issues getting in the way of gaming, and moments of burnout.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Just took my Sith Juggernaut to Oricon for the first time. I have to wonder have they changed anything there? Considering I was able to solo the Heroic with my SI Assassin when I was 55th, level, it seems weird that my 58th level Juggernaut with Rishi gear keeps getting trashed by a constant spam of stun abilities. >_<

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I actually planned on transferring a level 60 toon or two from either Begeren or Harbinger in order to get all the legacy unlocks and achievements (the 1800 cc's is a bargain compared to all the individual unlocks). Do you play mostly imp or pub side?


Edit: I would have loved transferring a toon or two to Red Eclipse too, but Bioware seems adverse to allow that for unknown reasons.

All my toons are on RE. I didn't know you played there!




Just took my Sith Juggernaut to Oricon for the first time. I have to wonder have they changed anything there? Considering I was able to solo the Heroic with my SI Assassin when I was 55th, level, it seems weird that my 58th level Juggernaut with Rishi gear keeps getting trashed by a constant spam of stun abilities. pinch.gif

They didn't exactly change anything "there" — they changed the whole game. There was a DPS nerf across the board when 3.0 hit. The idea was to have people in full itemized 192 gear parse the same as they were doing pre-3.0 in full Dread Master (186). It seems there was also an undocumented buff to silver mobs people were complaining about that made them deadlier than golds... but I never noticed that myself. Haven't been to Oricon after 3.0.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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All my toons are on RE. I didn't know you played there!

I didn't until late January... I had a level 1 toon copied there a long time ago when we got kicked out from the Apac servers, but living in Australia, the distance was too great. Too large TZ difference and lag. Now the situation is reversed, most of my characters and legacies are on the US west coast and I'm in Europe (with no possibilities of transferring anything closer to home), so I started from scratch. Got 2 level 15 characters so far, 1 imp, 1 pub.


There was a bug shortly after 3.0 (who am I kidding, it's still a big, buggy mess) where a handful of silvers would be a lot deadlier than a horde of golds. what did change on Oricon though was the bosses in the heroics. They have a new buff that makes sure they still pose a challenge for level 60 players soloing the Oricon weekly.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Oh man, I had a terribly hard decision to weigh last night.  As a young trooper, I had a fun fling with a sassy girl named Jaxo.  Time went by (literally years) and I got into a relationship with one of my crew named Elara, who was a bit frosty but eventually warmed up to me.  Then came a mission where of course they made me choose between saving Jaxo or saving about 300 soldiers.  I couldn't abandon Jaxo, so now I'm in trouble with both command and the gf.  This dang game!

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Hm, I never really seem to get the pull of the Gree Event.


The Bounty Hunter stuff has its moments, The Rakghoul event has a certain thing. But the Gree Event just.. falls flat to my mind.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Hm, I never really seem to get the pull of the Gree Event.


The Bounty Hunter stuff has its moments, The Rakghoul event has a certain thing. But the Gree Event just.. falls flat to my mind.

Gree event is really only fun in a group. I think most people go there for the free for all pvp, where everyone outside your own 4 man group is flagged as a viable target for ganking wink.png


I know the guild one of my pub toons is in often have 12-16 man in 3-4 groups in the center of the battle field and coordinate things over guild chat and team speak. Xenoanalyst is always fun to fight, although I still need to do him in 8 man HM (done it plenty of times in 16M HM) for full achievement. Otherwise, people mostly do it to build up Gree reputation and get the Grey Helixes so you can buy some of those awesome looking Legacy Bound weapons and Sphere mounts (having stockpiled those snow covered parcels from the xmas event, I can afford quite a few of the Cyan Spheres this time around). So far, between 5 alts, I've killed 5 Xenoalysts, done 3 heroics and 2 Gree world bosses (you really need 16-24 man teams to take down those).


Edit: Added quote because of page break.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Somebody posted this video she had subtitled on the swtor forums. I thought it was hilarious.


I'm still chuckling a bit an hour after watching it. Warning, lots of profanity in the last part of the video



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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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  • 3 months later...

And, for like, the 3 of you still playing this game, the next expansion has been announced:

Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – The largest story-driven expansion to date, Knights of the Fallen Empire, marks a renewed focus on cinematic storytelling in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The expansion will deliver on the hallmarks of what makes a great BioWare™ game: new worlds to explore, new companions to recruit, and a dynamic story that players will be able to shape based on the choices they make.


Ah, so this is what Avellone has gone to work on.  :shifty:

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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I've actually been playing this with my 5 year old son a bit.  It's nice that I don't have to pay for his account, since we basically hang out on the start planets and fight bad guys.  Actually my son prefers the dark side, so I guess we fight good guys.

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It's nice that I don't have to pay for his account, since we basically hang out on the start planets and fight bad guys.  .


The f2p works in the beginning, but later on you will be severely restricted by it. Compared to other games (like Rift as an example) it´s a horrifically bad one.

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives one."

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It's nice that I don't have to pay for his account, since we basically hang out on the start planets and fight bad guys.  .


The f2p works in the beginning, but later on you will be severely restricted by it. Compared to other games (like Rift as an example) it´s a horrifically bad one.



Well it's actually a preferred account, since it used to be an active sub.  I think it will be fine for a 5 year old.

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It's nice that I don't have to pay for his account, since we basically hang out on the start planets and fight bad guys.  .


The f2p works in the beginning, but later on you will be severely restricted by it. Compared to other games (like Rift as an example) it´s a horrifically bad one.



Well it's actually a preferred account, since it used to be an active sub.  I think it will be fine for a 5 year old.



Sure, it´s a nice option and good you can play with your kid. But they could have some trial system with a better f2p system in place. It´s not like your 5y old kid will go on with the storyline and raid with you? ;) So for trying around it´s nice, as i said the first levels are all easy to play without a sub or more money. My point is just that the system is horrible (and i was also subed before for a year)

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives one."

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Ah, so this is what Avellone has gone to work on.  :shifty:


We can only hope.


Got a message from EA teasing the new expansion. A picture with three dudes. Do hope the they're not clones, as they all look very simillar to each other.


I've been really enjoying the storylines actually. Finished all of them couple of month back. Now I'm replaying the Bounty Hunter story. As a female this time, and man, Grey DeLisle has awesome voice :)

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I've been really enjoying the storylines actually. Finished all of them couple of month back. Now I'm replaying the Bounty Hunter story. As a female this time, and man, Grey DeLisle has awesome voice original.gif

She does indeed. I eventually ended up rolling some characters on Red Eclipse and "Baroness Catharine" (Cathar) was one of them.


Still got most of my toons stuck on Begeren though, much to my regret. Started moving some of them to Harbinger and Shadowlands. Anyone on those servers who are active at "odd hours" (which is evenings European time) give me a shout.


Finally got around to try the two recent ops a few times, just in story mode (some fights as tank, some as healer).


Temple of Sacrifice is... boring. Challenging in a few places, but the story is just uninteresting. Ravagers I found better, at least some of it made you chuckle (master and blaster dialogue). Had some of the wackiness of Scum and Villainy.


Combat since 3.0 is bad, really really bad. I wasn't around at launch, but some of the old timers claims it hasn't been this badly balanced since release.


While I look forward to the new expansion, I'm worried that the game mechanics will be left mostly unchanged (or they keep making combat less and less interesting). Only the theoretical possibility of being able to send Quinn out the airlock is what keeps me going ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The new raids really were kind of a letdown in terms of game mechanics, but the hard modes were hard for a change. At least in the beginning of 3.0, I haven't played since late february due to a lack of time (and some extensive guild drama), but the amount of guilds capable of killing HM Revan hasn't skyrocketed by the looks of it.


I sure hope EA doesn't charge anything for the expansion (or at least not for subs) after 3.0 has been out for less than a year. That would be really ridiculous, so I'm really worried. Smells a lot like EA. ;)


Wouldn't mind jumping back into the occasional GSF match though. There's quite nothing like the smell of roasted noobs in the morning. Heh.

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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It's nice that I don't have to pay for his account, since we basically hang out on the start planets and fight bad guys.  .


The f2p works in the beginning, but later on you will be severely restricted by it. Compared to other games (like Rift as an example) it´s a horrifically bad one.


Do they still sell hotbars?  That was pretty much the breaking point for me on ever playing it again.  It's nigh impossible to play some of the classes with less than 3 hotbars, and if I'm remembering correctly you only get 2 for free.


The only other comparable thing I've encountered in a f2p game (Vanguard, in this case) was having to pay to use equipment above a certain quality (per piece).  I could have lived with it if quest rewards and crafted items weren't restricted, but they were.

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Trailer's pretty cool, no doubt. But do you think we'll ever get back to the Republic vs Empire war thing that is the WHOLE PREMISE OF THE GAME instead of adding new galactic threats out of nowhere with each patch?

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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SWTOR - Fallen Empire


I'm guessing it all links to that good ol' Sith Emperor...



Step into an epic story-driven adventure as your character becomes The Outlander, a veteran of the Great Galactic War. A third faction threatens the galaxy as we know it, and your choices will determine the fate of both the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic. Knights of the Fallen Empire includes the first nine chapters, fueled by BioWare-style cinematic storytelling, that kicks off a new player-driven story arc that puts you at the center of a conflict where your choices have impact on outcomes including unexpected twists and betrayals. Choose your path…join or betray companions, old and new…and shape the future of the entire galaxy as well as your own. Best of all, this is only the beginning…

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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