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Gods of primitized scientific ideas - for instance, you could have a pair of gods. One of them represents gravity, magnetic attraction, and the strong nuclear force, "The desire of all things to attract to one another." Another could be magnetic repulsion and entropy - "The desire of all things to remain separate." These then boil down into sociopolitical mores - the god who controls attraction could control love and fertility, or business, or government. The god that governs repulsion might also govern something like existential isolation, or they might destroy relationships.

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Current Developments


The Project Eternity team is tackling a number of different things in pre-production including story and world building, creating the look of the Aumaua and Orlans, character customization, combat, and fancy rendering R&D.


Next week we will have an art focused update by Rob Nelser, the lead artist on Project Eternity.


Time to get back to work on character customization! Adam out.




Since we're not sure if gods really exist or not, in this world:


I'd like a fake god in there. One that a group of people came up with and that have some sort of conspiracy towards getting him to "kill" the other gods. They're really in it for the political power/money. They don't believe that the gods are actually immortal beings with divine power. Something like that.


One of my favorite monotheistic arguments for why there is only one God is that if there were multiple gods in existance, then there would need to be some supreme power that would keep these two gods separate (gods being omnipresent, omnipotent beings). Then the argument becomes a reductio ad absurdum beause each god would need another god to separate them, thus making an infinite number of gods exist, each only existing to act as "in-between powers" to separate the other gods. How about a god that has this power? The ability to keep gods separate in multitudes and controls their omnipotence and omnipresence by being "in-between" all gods, creating a space between them.


Obvious is obvious: god of souls.


gods of:



patriotism - i.e. thomas jefferson, george washington, mao zedong, kim jong il, imam khomeini, - all have become some sort of divine representative

mechantry, wealth - merchant class god

ideas - allows people to have ideas

dreams - controls the dreams that people have.

lies - god that is deceitful and trickster.

nature/animal god - druids worship.

magic - mystra-like.


Edit: Cow god brahmin. Two headed cow god.

Edited by Gorth

My blog is where I'm keeping a record of all of my suggestions and bug mentions.

http://hormalakh.blogspot.com/  UPDATED 9/26/2014

My DXdiag:


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A god of spaces and places.


A bottle-breaking-on-a-ship kind of ritual is always followed as a perfunctory show respect for this deity, who sanctifies and protects the integrity of sites used by people.


Considered a third-tier deity by most, the space-god's most devout fofllowers are derided as hole-worshippers. Persecution of hole-worshippers occurs every time they are discovered occupying the ruin of another deity's temple, as they are perceived as squatters encroaching on others' worship. They, however, see their behavior as an attempt to prevent the loss of their god's dominion over a sanctified place, a sacred space that would otherwise turn to dust and rubble. Despite these conflicts, hole-worshippers are sought after for their impressive ability to restore what would otherwise be lost to decay, a talent honed in those contested ruins.

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A god of a Squares, Circles and other geometric shapes. 1 god with various aspects that are unknown to each other. For example the Aspect of Squares loathes the Aspect of Circles, and the two are unaware of each other's existence. You could have of small groups of people worshiping various aspects of the Geometric God and very few of thew sects acknowledge the fact that they are all different aspects of one god.

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A god of spaces and places.


A bottle-breaking-on-a-ship kind of ritual is always followed as a perfunctory show respect for this deity, who sanctifies and protects the integrity of sites used by people.


Considered a third-tier deity by most, the space-god's most devout fofllowers are derided as hole-worshippers. Persecution of hole-worshippers occurs every time they are discovered occupying the ruin of another deity's temple, as they are perceived as squatters encroaching on others' worship. They, however, see their behavior as an attempt to prevent the loss of their god's dominion over a sanctified place, a sacred space that would otherwise turn to dust and rubble. Despite these conflicts, hole-worshippers are sought after for their impressive ability to restore what would otherwise be lost to decay, a talent honed in those contested ruins.



I like this, ties into the cthonic tradition nicely. Obligatory: Also gods of thresholds and crossroads.


Really, cthonic gods are awesome and severely under-utilized.

Edited by OhNoTooManyBees
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I've had this fun idea for a god-type character a while ago, and have been playing around with making some sort of story around. Essentially, this character would be the Lord of Twilight - operating as an agent caught between light and dark, balancing on the fine point of things, seeing the world in shades of grey. This guy would be sometimes a villain, sometimes a hero, all working towards his goal of balancing the world order. Able to work through any area in which there is a shadow, a merging of light and dark. He would be both a help and a hindrance to the protagonist at different moments.

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One thing I've always liked from Exalted was the Ebon Dragon (and his opposite, the Unconquered Sun, to a lesser extent). Obviously Obsidian can't just rip content from another setting but I think the idea of a deity of opposition is an excellent idea. An entity who is so opposed to every quest, war, peace negotiation, expedition, or construction that he/she cannot allow anyone to succeed, to the point of sometimes sabotaging her/his own efforts.

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I think that could be cool basis for some intrigue, fortun. Maybe the Exiled god isn't completely defeated. Maybe he's just biding his time, trying to scheme.


Hmm, not exactly what I had in mind. I see him more as a flawed, bad-turned-good sort of redemptive story. A hated, misunderstood individual.


...Or maybe he was never the bad guy the other gods accused him of being. Maybe he was trying something so radical the other gods felt threatened and sent him packing.


I like this idea! Maybe he had a very good and justifiable reason for wanting to do what he did, but the others couldn't be brought around to see. Good food for thought.


I think of this god as kind of like Exar Kun in the Redemption series of Star Wars comics... having come terribly close to conquering the galaxy as a Sith Lord only to fail and be cut off from the Force, he lives on a remote uninhabited snow world where he is found by the 15-year-old daughter and jedi padawan of the Jedi Master who defeated him and took away his ability to use or sense the Force. She is lost, and he reluctantly allows her to share his shelter from the cold. She convinces him that although he can no longer touch the Force, he could still teach her some things that she'd never be able to learn elsewhere. He teaches her some advanced Jedi knowledge by only describing it and guiding her, and she in turn serves as a moral inspiration and a counterbalance of good naturedness and youthful exuberance to his resigned, bitter and neutral existence.

Edited by fortuntek
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You know, I could really do with benevolent, like really benevolent gods. S/he is also a bit vain, but s/he's generally a nice guy/gal.

S/he helps all kinds of people, prey and predator alike, without questions attached. S/he doesn't care about how they will use the help, s/he just likes helping people.


Also, the amount of help is in proportion to the amount of animal sacrifice/worship/etc. So s/he's quite popular among those with wealth. There has been numerous conflicts in his/her name only because his/her worshipers want to hog him/her for themselves, showing that absolute benevolence attracts mortal's greed and ugliness.

Edited by exodiark
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"Defluo karasu"

In a lost forest of dead trees beneath dark cloudy skies you will find a path leading you to the forests heart. But beware for you are being watched, the trees have eyes and the Ravens are vengeful.

Should you brave your way to the heart of the woods you will find the beautiful goddess Defluo karasu. A pale goddess with long flowing dark hair and wings as dark as the night it self

She lies beneath a massive tree depressed, alone and forgotten as a massive murder of ravens circle over head. Will you warm her heart? Bring her friendship? or love?

or will you evoke the wrath of her or her guardians?

Chose your words carefully for if you say anything to upset her you will soon find your self a victim of the Murder that encircles you!

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it would be interesting to see some gnostic influence on the religion here. i am not sure how the soul will factor into the game mechanic, but i think the gnostic idea of everyone having a piece of the divine within that has been corrupted by the material earth which can be awakened by pursuing spiritual knowledge would be interesting. also, some of the dualism in gnostic teachings, a creator god who is the source of all that is good and all that is evil might be refreshing when compared to recycled Greek and Nordic pantheons you usually see in fantasy games. the rest of the pantheon could be filled out with aeons/archons and maybe a separate demiurge are removed from the divine by a flaw that is also representative of the portfolio they cover. maybe through in some Zorastroan ideas of chaos and creation to give it a little more flavor, and perhaps reinvent the traditional alignment grid that you usually see in D&D inspired worlds.


otherwise, Camazotz. nothing cooler than a bat god of the underworld who represents death and uses severed heads to play basketball.

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gun smokin' righteous with one token

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...and then there was the "prophet" called Brian, and his followers split during the great schism and one faction followed the Gourd and the other faction praised the Shoe.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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An Overgod


An overgod is badly needed to keep the gods in control with respect to their relationship with mortals


An overgod should also set the rules for the gods and how they interact with each other


There needs to be a way for mortals to become gods

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Now first would be a sort of Mad God, one that is the leader of those afflicted with mental illness. Who guides his/her flock through their trials and tribulations. One of the more chaotic gods of the realm, the Mad God's disciples follow neither stricture nor guideline, only the words of their God.


Now the second god(dess) idea is one who is the patron/matron of those scorned by their lovers/friends/families/society. The harbinger of hate and despair, s/he who tends to the betrayed and the outcast. The followers of this one do their best to right the wrong that they believe committed against them, either through personal revenge against the betrayer or to invite destruction upon the land they were scorned from.

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Just please include the god of alcohol, chuck norris.


On a more serious note (ironically) I'd like to see a god that had a very lewd sense of humor, and he would get drunk on whatever gods drink.

Think of that embarassing drunk uncle who told the dirtiest jokes and laughed at them louder than anyone.

He would arm wrestle you and dare you to eat hot peppers, call you a wuss and fight with his brothers.

A ragged looking fellow with a beer gut, but a very strong frame and arms.


His eyes would be as bloodshot red as his ears and nose, and his breath could turn the undead, not by some power but sheer aroma.

He'd have the power of courage on his side, and his weakness would be reason, or some sort of dui check for gods.

Worshipiing him requires a night of heavy drinking, possibly a game of poker or hearts, and when he plays he's bluffs about being a bluffer and really plays conservatively most of the time.


His laugh should be one of his most defining features, loud yet pleasantly contagious and slightly fuzzy around the edges. He should clap people on the shoulders and back constantly, and become incredibly enraged when challenged. However, after the battle the former enemies should form a grand friendship.

Edited by jivex5k
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Gods of the endless task. Two gods that can't ever be together (sun and moon, fire and water something like that) that like to send letter to each other. Make it a quest to send a letter or parcel to the other one back and for a very long time. Sometimes gifts or ask you to get them some random item for the other to enjoy. Most of the letters are just something like "How are your flowers doing?" "Just fine, thanks for asking, how about yours?" etc. Eventually after like 100 deliveries, they finally give you something as a thanks. Could be useful or ironic.


God of furry animals. You kill a random innocent animal like a bunny or frog that was not aggressive (or even a flower you step on) and the god comes down, and as revenge, turns you into that very animal. Then you see yourself (being possessed by the animal you killed) attack you and you have to run for your life, but you die eventually and then you turn back and he tells you to be nicer next time or it will be permanent.


God of the ugly. This god thinks that ugly is great because no one bothers him. You piss him off and he punishes you by making you more beautiful.


God of eternal pause. You pause the game too long and this god come on the screen and tries to guess what you are doing while the game is paused.


God of the careful what you wish for. This god is like a genie where you can ask for something but in the long run you will regret it.


God of the winds, has an amulet that is in 4 pieces and each piece is on the 4 corners of the map, if you find all the pieces and bring them to the temple somewhere in the middle, you will be granted a fast travel route from the edges of the map.

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I would like to see a very insecure minor god who spends a great deal of time in pubs, and in other public places trying to convince people that s/he exists. I think the name Anon would be amusing, without sounding too off.


"So, you guys hear the one about Magran and Anon?"


"Magran and who?"


"Oh you know who I'm talking about, he was good friends with Eothas".


"Wait, what?"


"Oh yeah, s/he was right there in the middle of it all, playing both sides off each other. Who do you think helped Magran craft the godhammer, and drew Eothas into the trap?"


"You're talking nonsense. I'm pretty sure I would have heard about them if they did something like that."


"Yeah, you'd think so."

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  • The narrative team is creating the world almanac which contains all the information about the people and history of Project Eternity. Right now they are fleshing out the pantheon of gods. Do you have any crazy or wacky ideas for gods? Share your ideas in this forum thread!

Well... whatever weird or wacky ideas I may have had for a pantheon I've added to a netbook called the Diadamon Pantheon, which was last released in the 9th edition back in 2007. It's not going to be updated again and is freely licensed under OGL, so basically help yourself to any notions therein you find useful. Thanks. :)

"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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I think splitting aspects among gods can be interesting so that more than one deity has shared but clashing spheres of influence. For instance a god of wine/merriment/food might also cover lust/excess/belligerence, Whereas the god of love/passion/romance might also have influence over refinement/politeness/nobility. To see them clash over issues of 'courtly romance/intrigue' would be interesting. (not suggesting there needs to be romance per se, but its a convenient example)


The other interesting thing to do would present amoral but complicated arrangements of influence among individual deities. It's easy enough to say this is a god of war, that's a god of love, etc. But if one god were to embody a season, say winter, they could embody both the cold harshness and merciless nature of the season, but also a somewhat 'positive' aspect in the vein of (cold) logic, self-reliance, able bodiness, preparedness, etc. A lesser god or demi-god might represent the balancing of this by representing the "warmth" of the season in the hearth or in the (traditionally European) gift giving/kindness/mercy


Mixing personifications of abstract concepts (death, love, creativity, etc) in the greek/roman style with personifications of nature (seasons, storms, natural elements, rivers/mountaints/etc) in a pseudo shinto/eastern way could be really cool as well. Throw in a few Norse/Scandanavian gods and you've got a real melting pot of godliness going on and prime real-estate for possibility.

Edited by treeboy
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Kapheen - Goddess of Energy - focused, hard worker, kind of scatterbrained outside of whatever she's focused on, and quite easily startled - has a special elixir (best served hot) that provides instant energy, for no more than 5 hours *edit - and it's addictive, you become more tired once its affects wear off than if you had never used it*


Promotheus - God of Popularity and Declarations - Very loud and boisterous, always wants your full attention, thinks he is the only being worth listening to, very afraid of being forgotten, doesn't care if you like him or hate him, as long as you are thinking about him


Retracktisk - God of Crowdfunding (anagram it)


The Overseer - lives in a cave, always telling everyone its dangerous outside, wears a blue jumpsuit

Edited by Chad-WarYore-Smith
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I would like to see a god that is newly born into the pantheon of gods. The kicker is that he/she is a completely new god brought into existence by the other gods to "complete" them in some way or balance the odds somehow in a god(s) like dispute. Being newly born the new god has no sides to take or a pre-determined role in the world. After his/her creation the other gods that have summoned him into being get into a heated argument about the new god's place in their hierarchy so that they begin to ignore him. Since no one is providing a cue to what to do next the new god decides to go and see the world for themselves. In doing so he runs into our adventurers and begins to follow them of and on as they do interesting things that draws his attention long enough for him to check in on them.


Another god setup that I think would be interesting would involve a god of some kind of magic school or sect that has been removed from godhood and made mortal. They would retain most if not all of the godly intellect from their previous postion but none of the devine power to act on it. The twist is that they would be banished to the mortal plain to live out their now mortal life as they see fit but they are tied to the new god that has been created/raised to replace them and required to "train" them in on being the god of what ever they were before. Along the lines of a advisor to get the newly placed god up to speed so to speek. The now mortal previous god is at the beck and call of the new incarnation of their previous self but also is a representative on the mortal plane for that god and/or church. Along the lines of the High Priest for a god but not really willing but is the head of the religion for the god as being the previous god. It could turn into a situation where the followers are a bit uneasy and the faithful are a bit shaken by having the previous god around and speaking to the new god in less than reverent terms.


Just some thoughts that could help drive some stories.

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