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Playing dress-up is really important to me

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I'd rather have a horde of beautifully drawn portraits than customized character creation tbh.


I find portraits are way way way more engrossing.


Just look at these, I mean cmon they just ooze atmosphere (from ToEE):




No facial structure generator can even compare.

Edited by NoxNoctum
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Being able to play dress up with a character is a HUGE draw, even if some people don't care. When I make a character in a game he's MY character. I want him walking the way I want, talking the way I want, and dressing the way I want. The nice part of games is that they are interactive narratives, where I as the player have input into the details of the story. Dress and make-up and all that might be tiny details but they are still important. It's the details that make stories interesting.


As far as what I'd like to see, personally . . . long hair options on dudes that aren't annoying pony tails or tied back in funky braids, and that go below the shoulder line. Call it girly, don't care. Like the aesthetic.

Edited by Hellfane
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I can understand the sentiments of wanting to create 'your character' and look like 'your character' instead of how the game forces you to look. I tend to agree with it as well.

"Step away! She has brought truth and you condemn it? The arrogance!

You will not harm her, you will not harm her ever again!"

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I never completed Temple of Elemental Evil, but I liked how they handled in-game avatars and their equipment. I suspect Eternity is aiming for similar (speculation on my part based on what little info is there), with 3D models on a 2D background.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I think it would be nice to have a character/inventory screen that reflects the additions of clothing, armor and weapon changes, but given the isometric nature of the game I'll be happy to have small subtle changes for my actual game avatar that's doing all of the running around and hacking and slashing.


ToEE is a great example in terms of atmosphere and feeling distinct even if you couldn't morph your face into 4 bazillion shapes or play "dress up" like you can with games like Skyrim.

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There are certain appeals to playing dress up in an RPG but for me all of that comes secondary to the RPG mechanics.


I'd much prefer being able to customise the personality of my character because of the stats I have (my low INT character just grunts and derps, my high strength character easily intimidates everyone and can just make a few threats to get his way etc) rather than 'make up' a personality because the resources were too busy being diverted towards the dress up components instead. In other words, I'd rather express my character through stats rather than their eye colour and hair style because it's far more meaningful to the actual gameplay and story and your ability to solve quests or make choices in different ways.


Similarly, to me it's more important that my inventory complements the build I've made (e.g. I'm playing a fighter that values DPS over pure DAM and my weapons reflect this and hit rapidly and repeatedly but not necessarily with a lot of power) rather than how pretty the items look.


Besides, in an isometric title many of those details will be lost and your hair style and cool shield and sword will be barely viewable. In those instances you're better off with deeper RPG elements instead.

Edited by ShadowScythe
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